Yeah, it was a really odd turn of events of how I was able to play Toby. It was a fun experience and contributes a bit into how I got into another play recently. I still remember when we ran the Miracle Elixir in rehearsal when I took over and how everyone cheered me on at the end. And also when I got to start off the final ballad at closing. Well, to be fair, you gave me a question of substance while I gave you a question about food. Can't really compare the two, haha. Still, you did a very nice job, and that gravy plate story had me in stitches. It's amazing what pride can do to the best of us, haha My truth or dare is still open, since we started up a new page.
I think I would go with Stephen Sondheim. The music that he composes for shows are always unique, but you can always tell when it's him. He knows how to hit the right emotions for a story through music. As well, the lyrics he writes always have another layer to the, and invites the listener to deconstruct them. He might be a pain in the ass to preform, but done right, he forces out the best from performers. Truth or dare?
i shall take a truth
I saw that they would be playing Only Yesturday in Albuquerque in two weeks. I'll be up there for a catheder/check-up, so I'm hoping to get a chance to see it. Although, I don't know how screenings for Ghibli films work; like, is it only showing that one day or will is screen like any other film...
I dare you to record yourself talking about your favorite eating experience. Doesn't matter if it was at home, or eating out. What did you gave to eat, was it with friends, etc..
Not Leo's best performance. And it wasn't even the best performance this year, even out of stuff that wasn't nominated. But, he did a good enough job. He was good, but it feels more like an obligation with this particular performance.
To be clear, it didn't take me a week to come up with an answer. I'm just a lazy piece of garbage. The meaning of existence is to live. Not just be alive, anybody can do that. I feel it's important to make experiences that matter and leave behind something good. If you believe in God or some higher being, they created you for a reason, and you want to fulfill it. If you're not a believer, you want to leave behind something, even a small thing, so you gave a legacy (legacy. What is a legacy? It's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see).
Summer Wars was a romance? I know there were some romantic elements, but I wouldn't call that one of the main genres of the film. Now I'm interested in why you think that.
My sisters are watching that excitedly, and I have to cringe every time I walk by. And they had the balls to call out the Olsen twins. For one thing, for the most part, they've left acting behind. And they didn't need th money that came from this cheap cash in. Although I do feel a bit sorry for Bob Saget. If you do a little bit of research, he hated being on Full House. It was killing him on the inside. And he's a talented comedian, but this family friendly stuff is a waste of his talent.
Stay gold, Ponyboy.
Went out for an audition on Saturday and the director said that he recognized me from the time I took over as Tobias in Sweeney Todd and when I openly challenged the WBBC-like people who were on campus last week. It was odd hearing that I made some sort of impression on him through that. Anyway, I found out yesterday that I got the role! The show is called The Explorers Club, and I play Luigi, a "savage" that one of the stuffy 19th century Londoners takes from his tribe to basically gawk at. It looks like I'm going to be learning a fake language for the majority of my lines, but after looking up a bit of information, it looks like it's going to be a fun challenge.
The train goes: "Truth! Truth!" Truth or dare?
Welcome to the club
There was that one called So KHV is near death (again)
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Okay, my turn ...I got nothin
@. : tale : . @Calxiyn The cast of Hamilton will be performing tonight at the Grammy's. While the Grammy's are in Los Angeles, they will be doing their segment from the Richard Rodger's Theater in New York. I believe they will be performing Alexander Hamilton
I come to find people just find cheese as cheese. Being able to say the name of it means that they actually gave more thought than they believe necessary.
it's been fair. some good, some bad. a lot of good though. and you?