So, I decided to go buy The Force Awakens today, and this was the display they had at Walmart View attachment 44460 And my immediate reaction was "God dammit, his is adorable!" Martin's puns are always on point man. If you try to defeat him you won't stand...a ghost of a chance.
You sure? Don't lie to me.
Checked my iTunes feed and don't see this listed. Just letting you guys know. And a couple of months back, when you uploaded episode 109, I was able to download it onto my phone from iTunes but it wouldn't play.
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Because I wanna throw in my two cents. Personally, I really liked the movie. Now, it has tons of flaws and the storytelling was inconsistent as hell. I mean, that script should have gone through another several drafts. There were some ideas that I was able to get behind. Adding that with the head-canon that developed for me throughout the story, I came out having enjoyed it. My head-canon does not excuse the mistakes, but it added to my own personal enjoyment. Ben Affleck really owns this new version of Batman. The movie does a good job of telling his story without always having to be in your face. However, Cavill is just really weak, especially in a great cast of actors. And I actually like Eisenberg's character, and I feel he would get less hate if they made him an original character name instead of Lex Luthor. My biggest problem is the storytelling. Scenes didn't connect at all. I kept thinking that if you tried to cut the first phase of marvel movies into one 2 hour movie, it would look a lot like this. And that's kinda what the studio was trying to do. And I actually liked how it ended. It goes into some stuff that Man of Steel was trying to do, but I'll save that for myself because, well, spoilers. Spoiler But I will get into it here. I like to think that I'm very literate when it comes to watching movies, but I didn't see see Superman's death coming when it was laid out since Man of Steel. I know that there's a comic out there called "The Death of Superman" which has Doomsday, but I always figured (since I didn't read it) that Doomsday has other stories as well. But, man, they had tons of Jesus imagery that they really wanted to attach to him. And I mean going down to the fact that he's 30 in Man of Steel, I think, and then he dies three years later. And not only that, they release it on Easter Weekend?! Just like Superman with the bomb, my focus wasn't on it and I can't believe I missed it. And, of course, there's the whole "Martha" thing. I knew that they would have to end the fight with them coming together, but that was just completely out of left field. That being said, I actually liked it. Trust me, if you look at that moment by yourself, it's stupid. If you look at it in context, it's still stupid. But the movie put a lot of ground work into Bruce mourning over his mother, thinking he could've done something. He's become a hardened person, and it's the reminder of his mother, why he probably became Batman in the first place, that brings him back. These two are connected because it's their mothers that helped shaped who they became. Yes, it's a stupid thing practically, but I liked the emotional resonance. Overall, 6.5 out of 10, but will definitely be watching it again.
I'm getting the runs from just looking at it.
Getting strong "Caps gonna take a dirt nap" vibes.
Guess what the most popular answer is? You asked for this to happen, FUNimation.
An assignment for my "Teaching History" class is to write a modern day version of "We Didn't Start the Fire", talking about major events and people from the last few decades. However, being the Internet trash person I am, all my times has been spent reciting "We Didn't Start the Flame War".
It was this really weird dream that I feel like I'm going to convert into a short story. I was in the classroom, and my name was picked out of the lottery. This lottery is of people who are going to die in order to save the earth. There was a teacher at the front, but I can't remember his face. I think he was supposed to be an alien. Anyway, I guess the girl I liked was sitting next to me, and hers was the last name called. We looked at in southern, and then black holes open under us, those chosen to be sacrificed. We fell into a black boy. And I thought I was going to die. However I started getting balance in the darkness. And then I landed in the meadow. Around me where the other students, and the girl I liked was standing next to me, smiling at me.
And heal so makes a good Light Yagami.
i'm too young
Won big 2-hundo last night at a casino. What do now? I also had a catheter done yesterday. They went in through my neck and wrist. Not a fun time being down one arm.
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I'm kinda in the middle when it comes to triggers. I understand how they can be helpful. It helps people avoid subject matter that they'd rather not deal with. But people should realize that the world doesn't come with trigger warnings everywhere. Stuff happens, and you have to deal with it. One of the things about many artistic things is that they tackle hard subject matter and show hoe it can be worked through. It's fine if you try to avoid somethng when you can, but once you're faced with it in real life, you can't pretend it doesn't exist. I mean, ever since I was a kid, I've been aware over my mortality and how fragile my life is. More than a kid should think about. Death is a major trigger for me. If I see a movie where someone is terminally ill and dying, it will cause me to have some sort of reaction. But it's these stories that have helped me face those problems head on. It's scary, but the real world is scarier.
Says the guy with the Kyubey icon
What is a movie that you enjoy even though you recognize that it's bad. Elaborate on tnat