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  1. GhettoXemnas
    Because I made this song about a girl and then I went a cried afterwards and it makes me feel good inside when people recognize the things I do when she doesn't.

    CLICK DAT SHIZ *****
    Thread by: GhettoXemnas, Jun 30, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. GhettoXemnas
    For me to be a dick right now. Because I'm really in the mood to piss someone off and start an argument. It just gets me all warm and fuzzy inside.
    Thread by: GhettoXemnas, Jun 30, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. GhettoXemnas
    Posted this yesterday on tumblr but I'm gonna post it here because I can. It's a theme song for all those creepy obsessed stalker types out there. Not for the immature. The content portrayed here may be offensive to some, and or too strong for minors. If you're not open-minded, or too young, then read at your own risk.


    Grab her, don’t attack her, but I wrap in some plastic

    I don’t wanna hurt her, I just wanna protect her

    Cause all these other dudes wanna hurt and disrespect her


    Plastic keeps her fresh, freshness is pure

    I’m sick in the head and her love is my cure

    [Verse 1]

    Walk up with a mask, grab her from the back

    Gentle as possible as I use plastic wrap

    Pull up at my hide-out and smuggle her inside

    Finally I take bandanna off her eyes

    Take her out the plastic wrap and let her listen to me rap

    And when she falls in love with the sound, she hits the ground

    Exhausted from the awesome of the song that I just made her

    She’s finally asleep, so I let her hear it later

    When she wakes up, I make her a nice dinner

    If she sits on the table thats my breakfast lunch and dinner

    Treat her right and eat her right and then she’ll never leave at night

    That’s what I learned in algebra 2…weird right

    No more mask, I let her see my face

    And she realized she’s seen me all over the place

    But she never took the time to really notice my face


    [Verse 2]

    She finds all the songs that I made for other girls

    Now she starts to see this is a fabricated world

    I really do love her but she doesn’t understand

    She thinks that I’ma rape her and bury her in sand

    She doesn’t think I love her so she tries to run away

    But I grab the *****, attack the *****

    And wrap the ***** in plastic ****

    And then I bring her back to the crib and have rapping fit

    I make her sit and listen while I make this new song

    I call “Don’t Run†and I put it on my Proj-

    Ect(Project) called Mask that I made cause she asked

    Why I hide behind a Mask with all this music that I have

    There really aint a answer, there is no solution

    I finally got you here and I don’t wanna lose you


    Please don’t run…
    Thread by: GhettoXemnas, Jun 8, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  4. GhettoXemnas
    When I was
    A young noob
    Took me into the spam zone
    To see one of his threads

    He said Ghetto when
    You grow up
    Would you be
    The tormentor of the stupid
    The newbies and the staff?

    He said will you
    Go troll them
    Those ******s
    And all the dumb RP-ers
    In plans that they have made?

    Because one day
    I'll lead you
    To 4chan
    To teach you in the summer
    To join the troll brigade!
    Thread by: GhettoXemnas, Jun 1, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. GhettoXemnas

    iPhone Help

    Just got an iPhone 4, trying to put my music on it. I go to music and it give me "choose artist, genre, ect" or "sync entire library". How do I make it sync just the songs I have checked like with an ipod?
    Thread by: GhettoXemnas, May 27, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Technology
  6. GhettoXemnas


    Can we still not use HTML in posts or did the staff stop being **** on that issue?
    Thread by: GhettoXemnas, May 22, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. GhettoXemnas
    One of you be a nice Power Ranger and lock this: for me?

    I'm gonna just make a new, more up to date one with better quality **** in it.
    Thread by: GhettoXemnas, May 20, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. GhettoXemnas
    That time when Alice came back pretending to be an appalled parent because of how "terrible" the content of some of our posts and signatures was?
    Thread by: GhettoXemnas, May 14, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. GhettoXemnas
    "I'm not an asshole I just don't give a fuck a lot, the only time I do is when a bitch is screaming 'Tyler Stop'"

    As that one too much, oh great rulers of rainbows?
    Thread by: GhettoXemnas, May 14, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. GhettoXemnas


    The romantic feel of this song and it's violent and stalker-ish undertones reminds me of my love for you. I remember back when you and I used to have our little arguments spawned by my silly behavior on the forum. Let's never let something so silly come between us again.
    Thread by: GhettoXemnas, May 14, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. GhettoXemnas
    Guise dun post heer or have funz or anythin or da big bad wolfy will lockz it up in her lockerz of doom lul
    Thread by: GhettoXemnas, May 11, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. GhettoXemnas

    ...and do something like what you see in the following video at about 55 seconds and onwards. Help me find any flaws in my plan guys. It'd be much appreciated.
    Thread by: GhettoXemnas, Apr 24, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. GhettoXemnas

    He loves to Golf. Wang. Bitch.

    Wolf Gang. Kill Them All.

    With Golf Clubs.

    Thread by: GhettoXemnas, Apr 23, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. GhettoXemnas
    I will review it, track by track, in the spam zone. Yeah, I'm that ****ing bored.
    Thread by: GhettoXemnas, Apr 22, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. GhettoXemnas
    In the deepest dream, I was just sitting in the wonderful spam looked something like...hmmm...this


    So there I was, just sitting there in a thread I had created, waiting for some stupid generic fool to take some stupid old-school "Ghetto" style bait I decided to set up in honor of the dead fool when suddenly Misty busted down the door, no doubt to ruin my fun before it could really even start. She was dressed just like this


    But then she dropped her gun and ripped off her vest and was all "OMG WOLF I'VE DECIDED TO TURN LESBIAN, LET'S MAKE CYBER LOVE ON SKYPE"

    And I was all like "I don't wanna play you, I just wanna tape you undressing" etc.

    By that time, her outfit looked more like...this


    And I was all "WEE-OOO WEE-OOO WEE! LIKE A COP CAR" Like so


    And then BAM! RVR just DRIVES THROUGH THE WALL OF MY THREAD IN HIS STAFF-CAR so he can ruin my almost PG-13 rated fun, as pictured here


    And that, was the first kick.

    I soon awoke to what at the time I did not know was another dream.

    Should I go on, KHV?​
    Thread by: GhettoXemnas, Apr 17, 2011, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. GhettoXemnas
    Whoever edited my sig this time has quite a sense of humor. You guys might be even more fun to screw with than Neku was.
    Thread by: GhettoXemnas, Apr 11, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. GhettoXemnas

    How saddening

    I just realized my signature has been edited. Was it the suicidal nature or the line about shoving a cock in a bitch? I assume it was the second one because if it was the suicide, you'd have probably taken out the gif of Tyler putting a noose around his neck.
    Thread by: GhettoXemnas, Apr 10, 2011, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. GhettoXemnas
    No, I'm not a fur-***. I'm simply a girl who goes by Wolf because wolves are violent and ferocious and so am I.

    I enjoy blood, gore, murder and mostly hearts. Kingdom just kidding I've never played most of the games. I'm to busy living my secret life as a serial killer.

    I've attempted suicide twice, and I plan to attempt it again sometime soon if life doesn't brighten up, so don't get attached! I may not be around long but hopefully I can make some nice friends around here that'll keep my smiling and won't force me to find their information and kill them all slowly. That's what happened to my last two internet friends I made on another site, but that's not important! ^_^
    Thread by: GhettoXemnas, Apr 10, 2011, 72 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. GhettoXemnas
    Can't help but wonder what happened that day at that exact time on this website...whatever it was, I'm sure I was there...
    Thread by: GhettoXemnas, Apr 10, 2011, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. GhettoXemnas
    ...sound off. I wanna see who's still kicking it here.

    And what are these new "Canned Replies"?
    Thread by: GhettoXemnas, Apr 8, 2011, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone