Huh? Anyone?
Chooose ****ers
[video=youtube;PKqVONrfffM][/video] The sample is Darkness of The Unknown, which plays during the final battle with Xemnas. He produced the song himself with a little assistance from a producer by the name of "The University" which leads me to believe one of them may have played the game, which is cool. Good song too. Or don't. I could give a **** less.
Specifically I'm thinking of a single group of artists here. A Group by the name of Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All. I'm sure if you saw the VMAs you know of their leader, Tyler, The Creator. Well there's about 8 more of them. 60 more actually, but only 8 that do music. Most of them are just as foul mouthed and offensive as he is. I want to know how you, the people of KHV feel about these types of lyrics and the message they send. If you've never heard any of their music, I have some examples. WARNING: EXTREMELY FOUL LANGUAGE WILL FOLLOW [video=youtube;1TQ_zhK6SsU][/video] First is the obvious song their leader is known for, Yonkers. Here are a few quotes: Spoiler "Jesus called and said he's sick of the disses, I told him to quit bitching, this isn't a fucking hot line" Spoiler "Fuck her, Wolf Haley robbing them, I'll crash that fucking airplane that ****** ***** Bob is in a stab Bruno Mars in his god damn esophagus and won't stop until the cops come in" [video=youtube;u6Py7wxBVbs][/video] Spoiler "I'm not a rapper, or a rapist or a racist; I fuck bitches with no permission and tend to hate shit" Spoiler "Victim, victim, honey you're my fifth one. Honey on that topping when I stuff you in my system. Rape a pregnant bitch and tell my friends I had a threesome, If you've got a fucking death wish I'm a genie it'll get done" [video=youtube;UGBlnCbFy38][/video] Spoiler "Shoot that *****, make sure he dead. Shoot that *****, aim for his head. Kill that bitch and steal her purse. Call everybody in her phone if that motherfucker work" [video=youtube;Re-iKOvz8LI][/video] Spoiler "Three seconds it takes for her to turn blue with my hands around her throat, her arms stop moving, pulse stops, two in the back look confused as turn to tell em both not to do shit stupid" And there's plenty more. Enough people enjoy this very sensitive content to make these guys as famous as they are right now. They're getting a TV show on Adult Swim next year. But there are also enough people that there have been protesters at their shows before. The LGBT community especially is against them because of their lyrics, and the word "******" and it's variations being used 213 times on Tyler's sophomore album. He says he has no problem with gays and argues that ****** is what teenagers say these days to mean stupid or just to offend someone else, and it has nothing to do with sexuality(Which is very true) and there's many more little things like that I could mention here. So KHV, how do you feel about such choice of lyrics? Should something so offensive be publicized and praised so much? Should it be shut down and censored? Or should this group of relatively young people be allowed to exorcise their right to free speech? CLARIFICATION: I'm not talking about swearing, I'm referring to the numerous references to kidnapping, rape, murder, drug usage, criminal activity, misogyny, anti-religion, percieved mocking of homosexuality and encouragement of such things.
Please, why don't you have a seat right over there. I want to have a little chat with you.
I barely even know how to start this. I guess I'll start by saying I hate myself. Usually. Sometimes I'm okay with me, but I usually hate myself. I want to kill myself. I've only told one person, but I want to kill myself. Recently, I've started cutting myself. I even tried to overdose on pills not long ago...I ended up not doing this because I found out the exact combination of pills I was going to use can cause serious liver failure and I thought that'd be too slow, and probably painful. As of the past two years it's been reflecting into my choice in music listen and writing/recording habits. I listen to a lot of music about suicide, depression, etc. and most of my music has faint references to how I feel about myself and life in general. I have a pretty low self esteem as well. I have no confidence in myself or in any aspect of my life aside from music, but the lack of confidence in other areas sort of hinders my confidence there as well. I'm afraid to talk to people about my issues. Afraid to the point where I've been wanting to make this thread for two years, maybe more. I just want to die and not have to worry about life. Everything is stressful, and I feel like no one cares about me. All I've ever wanted is to have someone who loves me. Someone I can trust, and who will be there for me and who understands me, down to the insanity that is my music. Which brings me to the fact that I've had my heart broken so many times that its actually effected how I behave and display emotion. I'm apathetic, cynical and sadistic. I don't care about anything. School, communicating with other people, anything. Except music. I feel like I don't need anything except musical success and someone who loves me. And I don't have either of those and I guess that's why I just wish I was dead. I enjoy seeing others suffer, like me. Whether it been in movies or real life. Fiction or reality, it doesn't matter. That brings me to the next part. My sense of fiction and reality is somewhat blurred. I've taken childhood fantasy of being a hero to whole new extreme. In my head, I'm like a God. I've been developing an entire alternate reality in my head since about 2nd or 3rd grade. It's like ****ing final fantasy times a billion with me as the star. I don't know if I'm just immature, insane, or if this is actually normal... And then, back to the whole heartbreak thing. First, it was 7th grade to like 10th grade with one girl. There was a break in 8th grade where I feel for my best friend...that didn't work. I got the whole "you're my brother thing". So then yeah back to the other girl. We were like best friends for a while. I helped her with all her crazy boyfriend issues, and some were really crazy. I was always there for her no matter what. One time she was even drunk and started texting me telling me she wanted to hook up with me and I didn't out of respect for her. But **** it. The point is, I hate myself and I hate my life and I want to die. But at the present moment, I don't want to kill myself. That much. I've been better about that as of late, but for a long time I did. I really feel like all I have is the music I write and record, and the "imaginary friends" of mine, for lack of a better phrase. I've tried the normal things people do to escape their issues like smoking weed and drinking. They're not that great. Enjoyable for a short amount of time, but they don't do it for me. I don't want any pity. Maybe some suggestions and what not but keep your pity to yourself. I just felt it was time to finally vent.
When you lock threads, I get all hot and bothered. Lock this for me baby, lock it!
Since he comes up with a new one roughly everyday, we might as well tell that pikachu-fornicating diplomat what we want, right? I vote for HTML usage in posts, admin powers for What? because he's a genius, and more pictures of Hayley posted all over the forum. Also, a section on the forum dedicated to the KH-Vids song and it's many variations because that's a rather frequent topic as well.
Yeah...I do what it says in the title. If you give a **** or two, feel free to read(and eventually listen) on. You may call me "ComPL3xX" as I tend to refer to myself as such when I speak in patterns that have rhyming syllables. I'm a regular 17 year old miscreant that likes to pour his feelings out into a microphone when time permits him to do so. I also enjoy trying to sing, though I actually can't. I do all of those from the confines of my house. I also bag the keys on my computer until the recordings of my voice magically sound professional. Here are some examples: Kind of Girl | ComPL3xX That's me whining about nights where I sit and sulk because -insert female's name here- doesn't love me. Meanwhile In The Sky... | ComPL3xX That's me telling a story. I'm quite fond of doing that. I do whole albums where I just do that. I suck at it though. Further Down The River | ComPL3xX This is one of those ones where I try to sing. I included a nice little clip of me and some friends being stupid at the end because I think we're hilarious and we're not. Take a song, pass it a long and tune in next time when I give you a whole album or something like that. If I haven't somehow caused my own death before then...yeah. Good day, friends!
Just browsing around, ya know, seeing as their forum isn't shit. Turns out they have a hotness contest thing...and open viewing it my mind was immediately filled with fuck. Then I laughed and posted here. That is all.
Anyone care? I do simply because Tyler, The Creator was nominated twice and voting is now open. I'm hoping he wins because a) people will be angry because he has such vile lyrics b) the awkwardness of the fact that Bruno Mars, Haley Williams and B.o.B might all be in the crowd for his speech and c) He's a hardworking kid and he directed his own video. So anyone else give two shits about the VMA's this year?
Wolf Gang Golf Wang
Behold, the great promises abound on this forum today! Tienewman promises new serves MONDAY! He is on the path of the Gods. I forsee he shall get more done during the next two weeks than spdude and Deathspank did in YEARS! From this moment forth, I am the Prophet of Tienew! Oh great Tienewman, come down upon this thread and bless it with your greatness! MAKE IT HOLY!
Its 5:28 am...I just came home from a party, and well to make a long story short... Her: I have fangs! Me: Let me see! Her:-opens mouth- Me:-points at neck- Her:-bites me- Me: Okay...that's good Her:-bites harder- Me: OWWWWW! AAAHHHH! Her:-pulls my skin with her fangs then releases me- Me:... Friends: Dude she drew blood! You're ****ed up! That's never going away! Go look at it! I did not want this...yet I walked into it...**** me.
Anyone here heard of him? He's a pretty good RnB artist and member of the group Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All. He's relatively new by mainstream standards, but he's already turning a lot of heads. He wrote a song for Beyonce and worked on a song with Kanye and Jay-Z and is supposed to work with a lot of other popular Hip-Hop and RnB artists in the game. If you listen to Hip-Hop on the radio, which I doubt most of you do, you may have heard his song Novacane being played. If you haven't heard it, I strongly suggest you give it a listen, but be warned it's not for those who don't like references to sex or cursing. [video=youtube;Vyw8LDjHjiE][/video]
You can listen to it here: I'm first, and my friend is second and then we just switch off. Lyrics for you all if you give a damn Spoiler Armed assassin when I'm rapping with an accent Best be careful, for you have a little accident Rapping in the back of it with matches and a gas tank We gon set the roof on fire because the bath stank Slight problem, Cam, I can't touch fire/ Not after last time, I swear it was a brush fire/ I mean, she should have shaved, rubbed my stick and set her bush ablaze, SH*T./ Parents can't identify her, screaming, "WHAT CHO NAME IS?!!" Name ComPL3xX, Mask is the project Crazy ***** walking with a mask in the projects Dress like a stressed out ninja at a rest stop Looking like I just don't belong in the best spot And I'm Melvin, the monotone rapping/ Psychopathic, tranny porn watching, captain of fapping/ Having a breakdown of confidence, nervous system twitching/ Can't speak to b*tches, so I stick to solitary stick gripping. Me and Melvin Burch are gonna go and stalk your girlfriend And grab her on the day that they predicted that the world ends Prelude attack of the plastic wrap rapper Listen to the next track and you'll get it after Next track? Here's one now/ I'll lie down, and let a train of shemales f*ck me until my bum drowns in c*m/ DAMMIT. Wait, I forgot I'm on this date, you're not aroused?! DON'T RUN!!! I'm the facebook lurking, adobe audition lurking Lyrical lyricist who's nastier than a cyst I'm grabbing your little ***** and dragging her to the crib So we can have a nice dinner, and discuss world events World events, that's right, latest news/ Melvin Burch on the run after raping shrews/ Justified, they didn't notice his rusted eyes from crying sessions/ So he stabbed them with a stare, tetanus, rusted pole erection. Hi, my name is Cameron, I'm sadistic and I'm proud Trolling on the internet makes me so aroused Posting vulgarity on kingdom hearts websites That's what I do when I am bored in the daylight Nighttime, I'm a goblin's granddad/ Original a**hole, a huge d*ck, you "tadpoles" think you're so damn bad/ Well, I'm a geek UPSET/ A Brillo pad condom, something you shouldn't **** with. Why so serious, knife in your jaws? I look serious with a knife in my class The knife is the law and the light is the draw Reflection in the blade grabs attention from you all I'm not serious, I'm joking, but if my family hears it, they'll find it odd/ My future will get Earl'd/ Which will lead to me, beating vomit out of big girls/ Just for being fat/ Go bullimic, get skinny, b*tch, HURL!!! Markis says "**** you all", Revan says he wants to call CRASHprez and call him a ****** and start laughing Then hang up quick and not answer when he calls Back to find out what the **** was up with that Well with your split personalities, plus mine, there must be a casualty, so F*CK it. I'm killing us ALL... Wolf Haley for Best Musician
[video=youtube;gVrGxpSD9is][/video] These lyrics are to start at about 50 seconds, though I doubt any of you will be able to get the rhythm 100% right if you choose to read it while listening to the instrumental I wrote them too. Bachelor Finale, I’m killing this single loudly Now she, sees I’m the best rapper around these Parts of the galaxy, departing with a loud scream Deafening those around me Defining the word star scream I’m not a star but I stare at em at night Specifically Selena and Haley cause I’m tight Beiber is with Selena and Haley doesn’t seem like the snicker licker type So to deal with all my problems I just get a bigger knife I approach my target slowly, usually from the back The mask always seems to make em think I will attack I simply like to watch, but if I ever turn violent They’ll kill me and sell my special mask so you can buy it And whoever gets possession can continue my legacy Outside of Justin Bieber’s show shouting negative Comments about his hair and asking to see his girlfriend And when they tell me leave, I take the fight to world’s end I posses the body of the Mask’s new wearer So I will never die, I continue to cause terror When Beiber tries to run, I’m magically in the tour bus Got Selena by her neck, dress is all torn up Cause she tried to struggle when I told her come with me How much does Justin love her, now we’re gonna see Will he fight me for her or let me walk away free? He picks the second option, I’m better for her, see? But she slaps me, kicks me, and runs back to him The Mask falls off…and it’s just some random kid I’m not single by choice, I’m single cause I’m a psycho And there aint to many girls in this town who really like those I'm referring to Selena Gomez and Haley Williams in case anyone was wondering.
This is the show where VGN and I simply type rap lyrics in 8 bar succession. You may all watch and imagine us furiously pounding our keyboards, or you may even join in, if you dare. I shall begin. "Hey! Look at me! I'm super talented It's so cool, watch me as I balance this Knife on my wrist, will I cut it? Maybe not If do, it'll bleed until it forms a blood clot I'm so emotional, Life makes me cry! Being negative like "I'm living just to die" I'm so unique, making songs about my life I'm as manly as a girl, so I guess that I'm a ****"