The last three members to leave you a VM are in a party with you in a Final Fantasy game. Designate each member with a class from FF and tell us how you feel about your chances of surviving. I've got DigitalAtlas, Tequila and Stardust. DigitalAtlas is a dragoon, Tequila is a monk, Stardust is a red mage and I am a dark knight. MFW ShadowJak is in my party My party is God Tier. Bi​tches don't want none.
Who's gonna come through and jam out with me?
Attention Ladies, Gentleman and Furries of KH-Vids! Thanks to the help of the wonderful What?, I have confirmed that my streaming abilities are intact and will be able to SHOW YALL MOFOS HOW WE LIKE MUSIC IN THE SOUTH. I've come here to ask you all to recommend some songs for me to play. I will try to make half of the selection mine and half of it from suggestions. Please be warned, not everything sounds awesome on a turn table, though most things do. BUT REGARDLESS, recommend something you want to hear me spin and I'll give it a listen and possibly a preliminary spin to see how it sounds. Also, if anyone has any ideas for what I should call this here stream of mine then SUBMIT DEM NAMES!
Or rather, last night after all the savory drama that we experienced and What?'s wonderful compliments I decided I wanted to be a better person and help to make the forum a better place. Okay I'm lying but while I was in the shower I did have an idea for something fun and not mean in any way. Which is odd because I usually have the most fun when it's at the expense of others. I'm a sadist, I know. BUT ANYWAY I decided I was going to look into doing something enjoyable for you guys with my talents. Once upon I time I tried to stream myself recording music for you guys, and it didn't go so well but still I had a nice group of members in the room and we had some fun. My new idea is to again stream music related things for you guys, but instead of me recording I would directly stream from my computer a selection of music (Some picked by me, some picked by you guys) that I would play live from my turn table. I can slow it down, speed it up, chop it up and do a bit of EQ. I can't say how often this would happen but I'd try to do around ten songs each time. Also, not all music will sound great on such a contraption, but as I said I am willing to take some recommendations. Tell me KHV, if I could make this work properly would you be interested?
There's a fire starting in my thread Bringing in the members who's names are blue and red I still don't think that they see me crystal clear So I'll keep on launching my flame war missiles here Watch as I leave you all angry and confused Don't underestimate the things that I will do There's a fire starting in my thread Bringing in the members who's names are blue and red The scars of last time remind them of me They keep them thinking that I really hate them all The scars of last time keep em all on the edge They think they got me figured but THEY GOT ME ALL WROOOOONNNGGGG IM TROLLING IN THE DEEEEEEP I GOT YOU ALL INSIDE OF MY THREAD SO I PLAYED YOU LIKE A BEAT People, I have no story to be told But I'll cook up one for you thats gonna make your head turn I'll be there pushing you to the depths of your despair And once you get down there I'll point and laugh from here The scars of last time remind them of me They keep them thinking that I really hate them all The scars of last time keep em all on the edge They think they got me figured but THEY GOT ME ALL WROOOOONNNGGGG IM TROLLING IN THE DEEEEEEP I GOT YOU ALL INSIDE OF MY THREAD SO I PLAYED YOU LIKE A BEAT Come on and walk through my thread's open door You wont be finding what you're here looking for In my eyes your sorrow is a chest stocked with gold Post in a thread of mine and reap just what you sow The scars of last time remind them of me They keep them thinking that I really hate them all The scars of last time keep em all on the edge They think they got me figured but THEY GOT ME ALL WROOOOONNNGGGG IM TROLLING IN THE DEEEEEEP I GOT YOU ALL INSIDE OF MY THREAD SO I PLAYED YOU LIKE A BEAT
Yupp, just a normal member of KHV nothing to see here guise
I completely forgot about the rep system. I don't even know how to rep someone anymore. Last time I used "rep" was 2009 and it was negative rep. MIND=BLOWN GUYS WHAT THE HELL.
I don't know many of you too well, and granted I don't want to know most of you any better than I do/don't, I feel the need to know some of you. I knew many of the old members and we had many a fun chat on MSN and Skype sometimes as well. So, KHV, I would like to extend an open invitation for any and all of you to add me on Skype and MSN and engage in conversations with me. If you are boring, I will probably stop replying and if you try to call me for a voice chat on Skype I may not pick up because I'm lazy. Also, my webcam is broken so no video for you. Well, the gates are open! Don't all come running in at once! MSN: Skype: lyrical_hero
You remind me of those guys at the beginning of The Dark Knight who dress up like Batman, specifically the one in hockey pads who gets captured by The Joker, like so:
But they all say it's only on Live...what the actual ****, Bethesda?
But really, Staff? Really? You're editing and deleting posts that even MENTION Sforzato? I think that's taking things a bit to far, and I'd know since I take things too far on purpose. The **** is this talk of privacy? He wanted everyone to see him post porn and made not one, but two goodbye threads. Do all the other banned members have this "privacy"? ROXAS LUXORD BORIS THE BLADE XENDRAN MEILE WHO AM I? RENEGADE SFORZATO SON OF SAM Oh dear God I mentioned banned members, shitstorms abound! I mean I understand you want people to drop it but you can't just completely erase it from these here internets where nothing can be truly erased, especially when like five of you show up in every thread and to tell people to stop. If five people come just to tell me to stop talking about something, it makes me want to talk about it even more. It'd be much easier to just let it die down on it's own. - With the purest intentions, Ghetto
Friend: "WHERE ARE YOU!?" Me: "At home, where else would I be?" Friend: "WE GOT CHICKEN, WE'LL BE THERE IN 20 MINUTES WE JUST GOTTA GET GAS!!" Me: "...why?" Friend: "WE JUST GOTTA GET GAS, 20 MINUTES!!" -hangs up- What do?
[video=youtube;C-ij1edo-K4][/video] We going... SIDEWAYS, SLANT WAYS, LONGWAYS AND BACK WAYS
[video=youtube;3SDYus7iKC8][/video] I think... Also Boba Fett. I wasn't cool enough to get into the first organization, but who knows maybe I can be in the second one if I tell the old guy my body is ready.
Some familiar names in there... Mish, RvR, Kitty, Sara and CtR
Did Sara just post or am I going insane? Does this mean Arc is coming back to take his throne? Is Boris coming to wage war on us guys help me I'm confused.
2 episodes in and I'm quite honestly loving it.
Nothing special, just almost died, almost got assaulted by a 40 something year old man and almost got shot. In that order.
What up slime? I see you guys slipt the spam-zone in two or some **** like that. And I see What? is making his way closer to being supreme overloard. This pleases me.