Tell me something interesting, kids.
He's just sitting here listening to music I've made. No complaints.
I've officially started college and I met a girl who cannot cook ramen noodles and also believed the Olympic swimmers all had cancer because they shave their heads. Wat.
Why yo text so big kitteh??????
That's right, I'm pulling a Seifer. K so a while ago I hooked up with this girl. We liked each other, had nice romantic times etc. but she attended a different high school than me so it was hard to see each other and stopped talking as much. This summer she gets a boyfriend. They broke up this morning. I leave in 8 days for college. I am not a man who believes in coincidence. Coincidences to me are the governing forces of the universe giving you an opportunity. So, KHV, do I contact her and ask her to spend time with me before I leave? This risks me seeming like a ****** seeking a conquest before I leave. But I believe she knows me well enough to know I'm a sweet guy and really only just want to spend time with her since I haven't seen her in a while. But then again, we haven't talked in a while so her view of me could have changed. Basically, KHV, do I take the risk or not? also inb4 "lol ghetto is sweet and not a ****** since when"
That none of these threads mocking the new rules and the staff would have been made and everything would still be relatively civil if Vivi's initial thread had never been locked.
[Batten down the hatches]
Knight of the Old Republic is $2.49 on Steam? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP!
When you take the time to write a half decent song in your phone then you forget to save it and you got to record it and it's gone? I hate that, KHV.
flew around my room before you came excuse the mess it made it usually doesn't rain in southern california much like arizona my eyes don't shed tears but boy the pour when I'm thinking bout you
For those that don't know, The Gentleman were a group of members active in 2009. They were all some interesting individuals, but as a group I don't think they were the most popular bunch. BUT WHERE ARE THEY NOW!? In today's special, we will take a look at the only compiled list of people who were once members of this secretive organization, the group's motives and activities and what each of the members are up to now. Then once this thread has burned out we will let the memory of them forever die like that of other KHV groups like the SISTAHS and the Misters. For all of ours younger viewers that were not active in 2009, the gentleman was a "group of friends who talked on MSN"...or so they wanted us to believe. This group was actually a terrorist organization that participated in actions such as flooding the polls of the 2009 KHV Awards so ensure that their members won in every possible category, and the ever so terrible act of creating fan clubs for each other as secret recruiting stations for their terrorism. Rumor has it that their ultimate goal was to take over the entire forum and have all staff be gentleman. Now, let's look at their members and where they are today. Obsessed - An ex staff member, it was once thought she was going to marry the leader of the gentleman, Advent. They actually dated online for like a year and then met IRL at Disney land and had lots of ex-rated "encounters". Love child is rumored, but unconfirmed. She is currently inactive. Fayt- Another ex staff member, fayt really didn't do much activity that made it onto the radar. It is confirmed, however, that he and DPwolf also have ex-rated encounters. He was quietly removed from staff rather recently, though we don't know why or who's choice it was.(DRAMA?!!??!?!?!) he is currently inactive. DPwolf - DPwolf is a wolf. Thus, that would make Fayt a practitioner of bestiality. Why is there a wolf on staff? We don't know. She is currently active under the name of Korra. No, wolves cannot be the Avatar. Rayku - Has migrated to Tumblr. Xaale - Unknown, could still be active on KHV under a new alias. Absol - Recently showed up out of the blue. People were confused about her gender in 2009 and still were when she came back. Shizzy - Completely unknown. Could still be active under a new alias. Rissy - Once accused of being an Alternate account of the infamous photobomber known as cupcake. These accusations were denied, but speculation is still up in the air. She is currently active under the alias of Redamancy. What? - The ever so loveable Canadian boy who every loves. Everyone. No one dislikes what. His existence is the only source of evidence against all the terrorist claims. He is currently an active staff member (IM SO PROUD OF YOU, YOU CONFUSING LITTLE QUESTION!) and will one day become supreme blue overlord of the rainbow brigade once Misty goes rampant, because all female admins go rampant. Dalk - lol dalk is dalk Fearless - Not sure if dated dalk or I'm just crazy Haseo - I don't recall him doing anything. He might have actually been What? in disguise. Advent - The fearless leader of the gentleman, he was a man among forum members. He was once a Red soldier in the rainbow brigade until he got tired of dealing with the idiocy and quit. Also, college. He also once helped me troll KHV, but THAT'S THE END OF TODAY'S SHOW. IF YOU READ THAT WALL OF TEXT THEN THANK YOU FOR DONATING YOUR TIME TO OUR NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION! THE MORE YOU KNOW!
I did something right, guys! Miranda didn't die! No heartbreak for good old Shep today, fuck yeah.
"You like Slurpees, huh" he asked me. No shit I thought to myself, but unlike the internet I didn't want to be an ass. So I simply replied yes. Just as the words left my mouth, he began pulling a stack of the small "free slurpee" cups out of his coat pocket. I looked around the establishment to see if anyone else was seeing this, but they were all completely oblivious to this odd man and his actions. He began to hand me the stack of cups, which had a note taped to them. The note read as follows: "Got to go, meet at next location in one hour!" By the time I had read the note, the man was pretty much out of the front door, and I was left to wonder what exactly just happened and why no one else seemed to notice it. After a few minute of pondering I decided to simply leave the store. As I Trolled my way out of the store. Wait, I meant strolled. Sorry about that. Now anyway, as I strolled out of the store, a cute blonde girl grabbed me and kissed me on the cheek. "Read the first word of every paragraph" she said as she pulled away from me.
I tried to do my best to appease both Quarians and Geth and tried to keep Tali and Legion alive. Legion sacrificed himself to free the Geth. Tali committed suicide.
Get in here.
Guys I was playing Mass Effect 3 and I went to the Citadel and Cerberus attacked and I didn't warn Miranda about that one person I was supposed to warn her about and now she's going to die but I romanced her in ME2 so now Shepherd will get his heart broken oh god what do I do?
Frank Ocean. CnC please crackers and cheese all that good ****.
I just heard thunder. Also, channel ORANGE.