He's basically the biggest hater I know, and none of you should like him. You were cooler as ShadowJak DUDE!
Let me share with you, young ones. I remember playing a Halo match online against Roxas. Not Xbox Halo, but the Halo PC Demo that came with free multi-player. He and I went at it in a heated battle. We shot and ran and shot and ran some more...running around good old blood gulch. Eventually I came out on top, though. Ask ex-staff member Sabby, she was there. Another of my fondest memories is when Roxas was coming out with KHV-Royale and I made a cameo appearance as the dude who hands out bags to the players. Man, those were the good old days of KHV. Come now, children, share with me your best memories. Especially if they involve Roxas. I really miss that guy.
I feel like your entire life consists of watching anime and making threads about what you see on KHV and absolutely nothing more than that.
He/she asks you to give him/her one bit of advice, what do you say KHV?
When these posts are made, you will know which members perish. Will it be one of you? Love, your resident shinigami~ HI JUBE STEALING YOUR GAME BYE
See giant cockroach on mirror I don't get paid enough for this
If everyone would just take the time to watch my new music video that I am extremely proud of
Greetings all .
Won the second fight on the first try with a level 30 Riku. I heard he was super special hard mode but NAH FUCK DAT First fight with him took me like 10 tries though and that one was supposed to be a cake walk, I'm so backwards BUT ANYWAYYYYY obligatory Rick Ross gif cause THESE *****S WONT HOLD ME BACK
>Combat level of the world for Riku's story is 40 >>My Riku is level 26
I look into threads and cringe at what I see so I type replies like "op is a ******" or other marginally more offensive things into the reply box at the bottom of the page and proceed to delete them then retype them while telling myself not to post them. Then I eventually leave. Aren't you proud of me, Rainbow Brigade?
Based on what Young Xehanort says to Sora about how he's eventually going to return to his own time and forget what he's been doing with his other selves and their Organization, and based on what he said to Riku about how you cannot change events when time traveling technically Young Xehanort cannot be defeated...he HAS to return to his own time, forget everything and then become Master Xehanort...who will then become Ansem Seeker of Darkness and go back and tell Young Xehanort the whole time travel plan...essentially creating an infinite loop where it is impossible to purge all forms of Xehanort from the KH universe because to do so would change the events of time because Young Xehanort HAS to return to his own time and forget everything because if he doesn't then there will be no Master Xehanort and thus most if not all of the events in the KH games would never happen
Yeezus Christ.
We all have games we love, and we all have parts of those games we hate with a passion, don't we? So lets hear it guys, what games would you play again if it wasn't for that one (Or more!) thing(s) that you don't want to deal with again? I'll start. I would play KH2 again but those first few levels as Roxas are like watching paint dry.
This thread shall serve as my canvas as I paint a picture of how I feel about this show and whether or not I will continue after this episode. LETS GET TO IT, SHALL WE KH!? 5:33 PM EST - I BEGIN MY JOURNEY
good day
And I need to write it somewhere Dr. Mickey Dees A young man loses his job as a doctor and must work at McDonalds He worked at the same McDonalds as a teenager about 15 years ago The irony of a doctor who worked against health problems caused by bad diet working at McDonalds is shown in a slightly comedic light Halfway through the story he watches Super Size Me He begins to hate himself and feel like he betrayed his old self because he is serving food that causing the very health problems he worked to fix in other people's lives He goes from depressing to borderline insane with guilt as he see's increases in health problems around him and on a national scale and completely snaps and decides he needs to do something about it He contemplates many routes and briefly considers time travel but writes it off saying it would never work The movie ends with a scene of a younger man who resembles the main character working at that same McDonalds while his friends wait for him to get off. There are three men in suits in the restaurant having a meeting about their fast food establishments, McDonalds, and their marketing strategies and sales statistics. A man in a mask, though based on what little of him we see could be the main character, comes in and shoots these three men. Immediately after the men are shot, the young man takes off his hat and says aloud, "I quit McDonalds" Did the Doctor go back in time and scar his younger self with what he saw so he'd never work at a McDonalds again, altering the future? Was that the present and did he simply commit a crime that inadvertently caused a young man to quit his job?
But him and another friend made all this music before he left and we titled the project in honor of him /SHAMELESS PLUG