Spoiler Ventus is Vanitas Master Xehanort made Vanitas from Ventus so they could mush together and make a ******ed looking keyblade to open Kingdom Hearts They are both Sora Sora is Roxas Roxas is Ventus Roxas is Sion They are both Sora Sion is Kairi Namine is Kairi Kairi is probably gonna turn out to be Aqua somehow Aqua made Castle Oblivion Ventus is chilling in that castle Organization XIII couldn't find him(lol****) Ventus's heart went to Sora Sora probably has like 3 of those by now Aqua found Xehanort The Apprentice(Terra) at Radiant Garden He was confused because he is two people and attacked her Aqua pwnd Xehanort The Apprentice(insert amnesia here) They both feel in a dark pit of darkness that was really dark Aqua used her Keyblade and Armor to save Terra and got stuck in the dark pit of darkness that was really dark That's why Xemnas has her armor and keyblade and he talks to it because it retained some of her memories, etc. just like Terra's armor Terra is Xehanort The Apprentice Master Xehanort is Xehanort The Apprentice Master Xehanort is one with Terra(I WANT TO BE FOREVER YOUNG) Terra's armor retained some of his memories and his spirit(Lingering Spirit is explained! HUZZAH!) It kicked Xehanort The Apprentice's ass(insert confusion here) and then sent him to Radiant Garden where Aqua kicked his ass again Xehanort The Apprentice cannot fight Master Erauqs is one with Terra who is one with Master Xehanort and they are all Xehanort The Apprentice Master Xehanort and Terra argue over Erauqs's heart while inside of Xehanort The Apprentice and also argue over who will control their body Xehanort The Apprentice is Ansem Ansem is Xehanort’s Heartless Ansem is Xemnas Xemnas is Terra Xehanort’s Heartless is Master Xehanort Xehanort’s Heartless becomes Riku Riku is all of the above now The REAL Ansem is now in the dark pit of darkness that is really dark with Aqua Master Xehanort's obsession with the X-Blade(See ******ed Looking Keyblade) being remembered by Xemnas is the real reason for the X in all organization names. Braig is that one cool guy who was watching it all go down and without him none of this would have happened. Braig helped Master Xehanort bait Terra. Braig found Xehanort The Apprentice after Aqua pwnd/saved him Braig probably triggered the slow return of Xehanort's memories because Terra kicked Braig's ass and Master Xehanort worked with Braig. Braig is credited as being Xehanort's main man in the heartless experiment. Braig(Xigbar) knows everything and doesn't seem to have told Xemnas anything during the Organization days Xigbar and Xemnas see Sion as Ventus Xigbar is the one who actually knows what Xemnas is doing in the Chamber of Sleep Xigbar is the one who seemed to know what Xemnas was looking for at Castle Oblivion And THAT is Kingdom Hearts
I'm here requesting a list of all interesting/important things that have happened on this website in 2010.
Not that I want to know who's on staff, I checked that already. I want to know how many of your are actually ALIVE.
Any recommendations on what I should stuff in my back pack to help me get through the long, tedious, boring, unnecessary, waste of a day at that hellish place called ****ING STUPID ASS TREND bye
If me and my friend were to get on tiny chat and do a live freestyle session who would come watch? We do it all the time but our usual group of rappers/viewers isn't around today, so if I can get 3-4 people willing to come watch we'll do it. Reply if you'd wanna come watch.
10 songs that I worked hard on, please download them and enjoy them. Share them with your friends if you want. Much more coming soon. http://www.mediafire.com/?jk2cm2mnmwo
Well **** dammit this is a mixtape for you Now don't jizz you're pants just yet. Let me talk about the awesomeness first. See, this young gentleman by the name of Mickey Factz decided to loop a bunch of Phoenix samples, plus some other various samples from the likes of Maxwell, and make a short project. If you liked the album "Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix", specifically the songs Rome, Armistice, and Love Like A Sunset, then you'll probably enjoy a few of these songs at least. My personal favorites are Ashes and S/ecrets T/hat D/estroy. The samples are Rome and Armistice respectively. Most of the songs are conscious rap, which rap with more of a message, meaning, and purpose. Songs like Sunrise and Still I Rise, which are about teaching and uplifting the people and then theres the more romantic song called Ashes. Then theres S/ecrets T/hat D/estroy which talks about how keeping secrets can effect us on many different levels. Now, heres a song from the project A download link: http://usershare.net/b6k28f0vskhj
Click the following link for FREE **** HAR HAR HAR http://usershare.net/b6k28f0vskhj
But a fire started in the court house. Last time it was a tooth ache. I like the guy, but go to jail damnit. And let loose the 15+ music videos you made in the last few weeks. So, what'll his next excuse be, ******s? I'm going with a hair appointment.
tumblr is way cooler than blogspot www.complexthemc.tumblr.com
I may start being more active around here. Reality has driven me a state of reclusive anger.
Decided to take a break from making songs to see whats up. So, how is everyone?
If you know who I am, get in here. I gotta see who's still kickin'.
They banned Kanye. Shame.
Just playing BBS. Not understanding **** ftswindle
Just thought I'd say that. #NoShotsFired #WhyAmIUsingNumberSigns #ThisIsNotTwitter