Larxene- awwww! Does the ickle baby feel bad for the burning children?
Roxas- you two are gonna be some really lousy parents.
Larxene- thanks Marly. *thinking* after getting me pregnant, the least you could do is cut off the crust.
Larxene- (stabs Jeny with knife) happy?
Larxene- the plant in Harry Potter? Roxas- you're thinking of Devils snare. Larxene- really Roxas? I didn't know you were such a dork.
Larxene- I like that one. Hes better than you Luxord. Roxas- Luxord wants it to be HIS baby. Larxene- hmph. And I was gonna make him the godfather.
Larxene- Luxord, make me a goddamn sandwhich.
Good idea! Imma get working on it soon, promise.
Roxas-*referring to rikuxxions post* and Larxene. Larxene- go to hell
-axel doesn't have a heart
Larxene- aw s**t. I'm f**ked. Roxas- dug! That's why your pregnant! Larxene- slaps him. Roxas- (on ground, mumbling) some mother you'll be.
Larxene- Axel! What did I ever do to you?!
And master, we shall. :)
Larxene- thanks Marluxia. DIE AXEL!!! Roxas- hell no! Don't kill him! Fix him!
Larxene- now I know who my favorite is. AXEL IM GONNA KILL YOU!!!!
Larxene- Ax-xelll you j-j-jerk-k! I always knew you were a t-t-t-- Roxas- what the heck happened to you Axel? You suffering from an ice cream deficiency or something?
Larxene- IM M-m-MELLLTIIING!!!!!!!!!! *short-circuiting*
Larxene- what are you waiting for? Aren't you gonna start?
Roxas- you DO?