Grr... you got my sister all hyped up on show choir... now she won't stop singing the songs.
Larxene- I concur. Roxas- you just wish you were Xion, Larxene. Larxene- Replikus too young for my tastes.
Larxene- *sarcastically* no, spiders.
Larxene- no, he wants you to be his lab rat.
Larxene- screw you.
Roxas- I want a sandwich.
I understand, my siblings and i are totally possessive over everything. I would get mad at you, but a. Its not worth it and b. I really don't like...
If you ever wanna borrow one of my characters for battles and stuff that's okay, you have my permission. I'm not very good at battle scenes.
Cool. I was at show choir rehearsal, sorry for the late reply.
So what's up?
Roxas- I'm not. Larxene- denial.
Welllllll..... I don't think you gotta make that big a deal out of it
Roxas- hes confusing....
Sorry... I've been procrastinating
Roxas- ........................
Fo shizzle
That's silly! XD
Really now? X)
Kyo-kyo is sooooo smexy! Ahhhh!!!
Sissy! !!!!!! Good night huh? Fruits basket for 4 hours? I think yes.