Larxene- depends on what kind of mood I'm in.
Larxene - truth.
Understood. Lol.
Okayyyyy buddyyyy
? confusion.... sorry... I'm totally spacing....
Larxene- ohhhh Demyx is gonna get fu- what? 14? Really? Wow.
Larxene- good luck with that.
Larxene- Demyx is gay.
Roxas- I don't trust you marluxia.
Larxy- zexy, its your turn. roxas- can I look yet?
Larxy- hmmm.... a truth for Demyx... anyone got any ideas? Marly? Luxord? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
Larxene- *after taking of her* okay, demyx truth or dare?
Hes prettier than a boy should be.
Larxy - keep that camera rolling and I'll assure you you'll be a plate of bacon served to some poor family at Denny's tomorrow morning.
Larxene- we're gonna need to prank him HARD later. Roxas- speaking of hard... I have an idea. But its kind of wrong and worse since I'm the one thinking it.
Larxene- dare. Roxas- I don't wanna see that! But I don't wanna be pranked for leaving either!
Larxene- really, Saïx, you have to either play, or be pranked. That's the rules.
Larxene- take that Saïx. You start. Truth or dare?
Larxene- if you leave, you have to do a dare.
thats ok, its our secret! lol. i gotta go. RikuxXion wants the pc. later