Larxene- :glomp: :kiss: Marly, you rock. Roxas- And, she's STILL on the naughty list. Wonder why.
Larxene- Oh. My. Gosh. You HAVE to do that.
Larxene- Got anything new?
Larxene- :sly: Maybe you should fix him Marly
Roxas- Axel WHAT?!!! Larxene- Ahhh, good times. So freakin hilarious. :sigh:
Larxene- No, I was TOO nice. So nice that it qualified as naughty. Roxas- *comes in right before she says this* Uhmm.. EEWWW Larxene. :shocked: Larxene- :nerve: :ranting: :crashcomp: Roxas- OKAY OKAY!!! I take it back!!!!!!!!
Larxene- who are you pervs talking about?