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  1. program
    Pigs are adorable. Oink~
    Post by: program, Nov 10, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. program
    My anime club hasn't shown anything interesting really but Blue Exorcist and Persona 4.
    But at least I find other people who are into the same interest....Its like a sanctuary to me.
    Any ways, what is this anime about?
    Post by: program, Nov 10, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. program
  4. program
    Why? Eldest was good enough, but the third was,meh.
    Post by: program, Nov 9, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. program
    Wheres your 'Like' button KHV?
    Post by: program, Nov 9, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. program
    I opened the package up and saw the how big it was, its so damn ginormous; 851 Pages, not including Acknowledgements or stuff like that.
    Guess what I'm doing! Other than not having a very active social life :'D
    Thread by: program, Nov 9, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. program
    Stuffed animal usually a bear.
    Post by: program, Nov 9, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  8. program

    Sad Dino

    If your happy and you know it, eat some other dinosaur!
    Yeah, I tried.
    Post by: program, Nov 9, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. program
    I'm so happy I didn't turn up my volume; thank you gut for your wonderful tugs of worry,thank you.
    Post by: program, Nov 9, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. program


    Work= same principle as School, I think so.
    Post by: program, Nov 1, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. program
    I was Waldo and every kid I passed by said "I found Waldo"
    And I was all like "*smile and nod*
    Post by: program, Nov 1, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. program


    Total time consuming monster. Love it, hate it, but you'll always be tired waking up before 9AM.
    Thread by: program, Nov 1, 2011, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. program
    Hey guys I've been inactive, I don't think I can keep up with the Rp, so I'm going to quit. But it was fun with you guys, the whole plot tiwsted,turned and got a bit chaotic and it was great! We went through some funny sues and arguments , but we always got to RPing either way. Thanks for the fun!
    Post by: program, Nov 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. program
    As always on this site.
    Post by: program, Oct 12, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  15. program
    Idek anymore.wutisthis?durp.
    Post by: program, Oct 11, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  16. program
    Ellen followed suit behind, staring at Valerie. "Thats was weird....But any this is Icki, I don't where I was, but Im back. So people turning into heartless, not good." Ellen gave a sarcastic laugh. She looked back to find Icki gone, but then looked to her other side and found him right beside her running with ease.
    "I'm just a third wheel for now." he put his hands in a defensive way. He didn't want fight, especially with his sword knife; though it could cut through anything. He just wanted some information from these people.
    Post by: program, Oct 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. program
    Ellen had made it to the others, panting slightly from her run/jog. Running and combo moves had to be worked on. She saw Sora,Kairi and Eden, but also the heartless. When had these things gotten there?For how long were they fighting? Where were the others, still searching? Or...... Ellen turned to find Icki walked up behind her, she glared at him. This was his fault, if only he had not abducted her she probably could've helped.
    "Yeah. I know!" Icki sighed. "If I hadn't abducted you, ya could've helped, blah,blah,blah." he rolled his eyes. Chicks and heroes; what drama queens. "You should go help now! Your here!" Icki stretched his arms to the scene.
    But Ellen only glared at him, then turned to look at the scene once more. Why wasn't anyone attacking the heartless?

    Post by: program, Oct 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. program
    Very nice! The detail is ver good and simple, much better than I could do -shot- And very imaginative.
    I wanna see more!
    Post by: program, Oct 11, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. program
    "Wake up Girl, I'm bandaged and ready." Icki gave the dazing girl a shake. He didn't know whether she was asleep or daydreaming.
    Ellen blinked a few times before coming back to reality. She stared up at the emotionless face of Icki. "Its Ellen. And how are gonna get me back?" She gave him a cold stare.
    "I'll tell you later, but the portal is over there-" he pointed out to the sea "-above the water just a few feet out. Its not too high up, so we can climb up into it." The male put his backpack on and walked over to where the sea washed onto the shore.
    "I don't see anything." Ellen squinted her eyes, pushed up her glasses and tried to see better. Icki,though, had already gotten torso deep into the water. The brunette quickly jumped up and ran into the water after him ."Wait up!"
    They swam into the sea, Ellen right behind Icki, though her blade made it a little awkward to swim. The man had stopped and looked up, and so did Ellen. There was a portal alright, and she could see the scenery up in it.
    Icki climbed up into the portal, grabbing the edges and pushing himself up. The world flipped over onto it's side once he went through it. He held his arms through the portal for Ellen, who stumbled as she went through the window. Once she was out he quickly found the edge of his portal and it closed up.
    Ellen looked around, but did not find any of her friends. She quickly ran off in the direction they were going before she was abducted, forgetting of Icki and only her friends.
    Icki followed right behind her, keeping his pace slow since Ellen was a slow runner.

    ((How far do you think everyone is from them?))
    Post by: program, Oct 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. program
    Ellen had woken up soaking wet, and gasping for air. What had happened?! Thats when she saw a man next to her, staring ahead, at a green ocean. It was pretty....Wait.
    "WOAH!WOAH!WOAH! Who are you?! Where am I?!" she yelled, sitting up now.
    Icki quirked his lips but said nothing. Then after an awkward silence he sighed. "We're in another dimension. Icki is my name. I kidnapped you by accident."
    "How do you kidnap someone by accident?" Ellen bared her teeth is confusion. It wasn't rocket science.
    "I was panicked! I'm hurt, tired and very irritated!" Icki snapped at her. He sighed once more when he saw her hurt face and dropped his head.
    "Well Mr. Crabby, take me back to my dimension! I have friends who need me!" Ellen glared now. How long had she been out?
    "Just give me a couple to tie my wound and then think. I'll take you back in a bit. I just need to think." Icki put his face in one hand. He dug into his backpack, having been taken off once they got to shore, with his free uninjured hand for bandages;sadly his uninjured hand was the one missing a finger.
    "FINE! I'll be blanking out! Hurry up!" Ellen scoffed and laid back down. She found her self zoning out with the sound of the waves, into her lovely dreamscape, where she could relax for a bit. But a very vexing nagging in the back of her head told her something bad was happening.

    Post by: program, Oct 10, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home