Spoiler So wait.......Jack is a portal? Was that even Jack? I am quite happy that WV is going on the trip, hopefully he'll be alive soon.
I just caught up! finally! Freaking Karkat, getting a panic attack, love him so much! I think the whole group will grow up, why would only one grow older?
Oh, good! I was just about to ask the same thing! *Changes back from Final Mix to Dark*
I prefer Dark, becuase Lite hurts my eyes; I must not be the only one who thinks this, right?
My eyes hurt when I use the Lite version, so Dark wins my love.
Hey look! Everyone who uses the computer and don't have a life's theme song!
Gonna get fat,fat,fat.
As I read this book I found myself loving Camp Half-Blood more than ever; Camp Jupiter is just so harsh and stern, CHB is full of happy kids who love being a half-blood. Camp Jupiter is like a boot camp, Camp HB is like a usual camp kids go to. I also loved the new characters,but Reyna and her sister, I don't know why they are just not appealing to me. I've found a much better pairing than Percabeth which is Frazel, I ship Frank and Hazel so hard its Cannon already XD The book is good in it's third POV still, but I do miss alot of Percy's funny thoughts on the mythical beasts and stuff. And the plot is great! Spoiler BUT I FREAKING HATE THE ENDING! FREAKING CLIFFHANGER!ITS NOT FUNNY! Rick is Trolling us. great book! I'd rather see more of this than the Red Kane Series, that series isn't so good.
.....That'd make no sense.....
Cuase I love this gif.
...........Yes. Errrrrrrrrrr. Kisala?
Seeing how I'm invisible in these forums, I have nothing to fear! >D
.....Why do I feel you were staring at the little box at the bottom of the forum where it says whose viewing? I was quite curious to what went on...
I barely get to Act 5.....We're moving on. Dammit.
:/ Danm time zones
I wish for a laptop.
One thing. Magic. To be able to do Magic. With magic comes any power I would like, and I would be able to go into people's minds if I knew magic.
But it must freezing where your at! I know it is here where I Am. .....Wait.....And you took your laptop up with you? Knowing the dangers that...
....Where the hell are YOU? Thats better than this ceiling.....
I just don't get this? Im so out of this loop....Or is this loop too old for me to join?