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  1. program
    Bluh, its barely 6 over here. I don't think theres a real New Years time, some us are probably already in 2012 somewhere. Luckies.
    Post by: program, Dec 31, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  2. program
    I would love Disney Channel if they brought this back, and introduced Oswald to it :'D My dead Childhood would be happy.
    Post by: program, Dec 31, 2011 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  3. program
    I don't like Camp Jupiter as much :/, too strict for my liking; with CHB you have all these kids running around, barefooted with swords, thats my style ;D But it does sound like a good RP idea since no one has done yet, right? The other RPs are usually CHB.
    Post by: program, Dec 31, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  4. program
    My ships can go any way on pairings for KingdomHearts, but sometimes I find it hard to read or even think about Axel X Roxas unless Roxas is being a Uke and Axel is a Seme.
    Post by: program, Dec 31, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. program
    Yeah I'd most likely go to Heaven with all the niceness I have inside, but its so hard not to be a bit sinful on the internet ;D
    I doubt the world will end, and if it did, it better be Epic!
    Post by: program, Dec 31, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. program
    Everyone who thinks I'm guy is banned.
    (I could've gone a lifetime on here going along you all thinking I was a guy, but meh)
    Post by: program, Dec 30, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  7. program
    Banned because I don't understand your username
    Post by: program, Dec 30, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  8. program
    Oh yes Welcome! You will like this place very much if your active and join many things! The only thing we ask if to read and follow the rules which can be found in it's own section. I too love music, and like Glee as well. I also play the Piano!
    I hope you like it here! Any questions just ask away, anyone will be nice to help you.
    Post by: program, Dec 30, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  9. program
    Aye, thank ye! So whats the bustle about?
    Post by: program, Dec 30, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  10. program
    Socially Awkward Mechanic Thats Savvy! And luckily Dark Green isnt so popular!
    Post by: program, Dec 30, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  11. program
    May I join? I looked at the other Thread, and found I had a difficult time choosing, but really who doesn't love Ninjas, or Pirates,or space, or Vampires(Except those Sparkly,Veggie ones)?
    Post by: program, Dec 30, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  12. program
    I thought this as well, but youtube cleared it up for me. But what about the manga? Thats close enough to an anime for me, but sometimes it makes no sense.
    I like Kaito,Len and Gumi currently.
    Post by: program, Dec 30, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. program
    I wouldn't blame you. To me its really old, classic anime that boys usually fanboyed over, but I didn't like it so much cause there weren't any girl fighters. Only when they introduced Pan did I watched it for awhile, then stopped.
    I wouldn't blame you.
    Post by: program, Dec 30, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. program
    >Accept and kindly smile.
    Post by: program, Dec 29, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. program
    I think Draco should be the Meowth and the snake(God, I suck at names) should be Wabbafetch(Thats even more horrible than forgetting the snakes name).
    Post by: program, Dec 29, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. program
    These are wonderful! The colors are very bright and nice! I especially love the Flaky and Flippy one ;D
    Great work!
    Post by: program, Dec 28, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. program
    > Hitch a Ride into town using your very sexy legs.
    Post by: program, Dec 28, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. program
    So you are Christian? Such beliefs are base on hour Pokemon evolve, and how they appear, right?
    Post by: program, Dec 28, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. program
    Have you guys SEEN the whole post on this? I swear! It was the most childhood smashing thing I read to be Mainstream(ThoughItDidntWork).
    Post by: program, Dec 28, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. program
    Has anyone read the 5 part series?

    Gregor is a twelve year-old boy whose family lives in New York and is not very rich. One hot,summer day while Gegor's mom is at work,his young sister,Lizzie, is at camp and his grandmother, who is bedridden, has the company of their neighbor, he is doing laundry with his two year-old sister Margarete,nicknamed Boots. After she falls into the dryer machine and does not come back up Gregor jumps in after her and finds a whole civilization,called Regalia,has been living under New york for thousands of years. And soon he finds out he is the prophesied Warrior in the multiple prophecies by Bartholomew of Sandwich, the founder of Regalia. throughout his adventures/quests he befriends the princess Luxa, the sarcastic rat Ripred,the roaches Temp and Tick and many others who assist him in saving the underland and all it's inhabitants of giant insects and animals.

    I think that summary could've been better, but its decent enough!
    I've just recently finished the last book, and thought I should share the series. Its written by Suzanne Collins, the author of The Hunger Game Series, but I find this series much better than the Hunger Games and more enjoyable.
    Thread by: program, Dec 26, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Literature