From your profile, your best friend calls you james....Perhaps jamie? XDD
((OOC: Nice time to bring back Icki. Im not sure where I'd go with this post though, but its a good way for Icki to meet and Ellen and perhaps the others.)) Icki had kidnapped Ellen with ease. Quite really, what with them searching around, it was a like stealing candy from a baby. He had changed dimensions, going into a jungle like terrain full of wild beast he never knew existed and hitched a ride on a gianormus bird with multi-colored scales; it did scratch him badly though when it found out it had an uninvited guest flyer. Luckily for him the bird had dropped him 10 feet from the sky and into an ocean; the water was green and seemed very deep. He quickly reopened a portal once he was afloat on his back and found ground in the new window. There he found the group and stole her away from them. her struggles were nothing to him and he made sure her wrist were tightly in his hands from her weapon; he plugged her nose and mouth and pushed her under water, waiting for her to pass out. And with her on his back he swam to the shore, about 10 feet away. He'd make a portal soon and return to the other dimension where Ellen's allies were....But what would he do with her, he had kidnapped her, something he really could only think of doing at the moment; stupid brain.
((OOC: I gone for sleep and school and what do I get?! 4 freaking pages I can't read XDD please, summary! Im so tired from H.W))
Ellen felt Jeffrey's magic strongly, and stared at the Mushroom. "Woot! Earth For The Win!" she grinned. This was a time when she really wished for some sort of magic talent, but at least she had decent fighting skills. Her blade tingled lightly and she made due to re-position it's sheath so it wouldn't bother so much. "Calm down, its just a little magic. Your so sensitive." "Mostly to the Earth and nature element. That is my main strength. That is why I was created, for nature and magical abilities." "Hey! Thats why when Al went insane, and I got so mad, that everytime I walked grass grew!" "what?...Did you think I was just for my sharp edges?"
Unless you having nothing else to do, or want to procrastinate everything.
"Jeeze, I can't wait to get off this planet. I mean I love Earth! but it gets boring after fifteen years." Ellen stared at her feet as she walked. sometimes it felt like everyday was so clockwork, so dull. But to go off to another world, a Disney world, was a dream come true!
This is how it should be.