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  1. Wingmaker
    Exactly. This is why i posted this. I have seen people doing it. But I still didn't believe it! >.< Maybe I should experiment on myself...? ^^ If someone of us could get results, then things would be better. But it goes way deeper than that... It could mean the evolution of the human kind in a spiritual way... This is why this is so intriguing! ARGH!
    Post by: Wingmaker, Aug 4, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  2. Wingmaker


    Well, when it comes to the vocals ok, but the music resembles a lot to U2... I play songs on the guitar from both of them, and i saw many stuff that were pretty much the same! :/
    Post by: Wingmaker, Aug 4, 2009 in forum: Music
  3. Wingmaker
    Um, I am the lead guitarist / singer of a band called Lucid Dream... We even have some vids of our first live show uploaded on youtube... Check'em out if you want... However 1 of our songs are in greek so... @_@
    Post by: Wingmaker, Aug 4, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  4. Wingmaker
    Hey there! I am new as well... xD Anyway , the people here are great, so relax and have fun...! :) If you need any help, just ask from the other people besides me! ;P
    Post by: Wingmaker, Aug 4, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  5. Wingmaker
    I used to attend some kendo classes for 2 months , but I stopped aftwewards. I am thinking of Saber fencing right now... But maybe Epee fencing as well... I will check out both and decide ;D!
    Post by: Wingmaker, Aug 4, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  6. Wingmaker
    I started listening to them around a month ago, and I think they are great! Their genre for the people who don't know is called psychedelic indies, and it is a mix of indie rock with some techno add-ups. Their most famous songs are ''Kids'' and ''Electric feel'', but my favourite ones are ''Indie Rokkers'' and ''Pieces of What''. What do you guys think about them? ^^

    Whoawhoa take it easy tmm! i am human after all! ;D
    Thread by: Wingmaker, Aug 4, 2009, 10 replies, in forum: Music
  7. Wingmaker


    They used to be my favourite band... I liked all their first albums, ( castles,parachutes,X&Y) but not the newest one...My fave songs used to be ''The scientist'', ''Amsterdam'' and ''Green eyes''.They're kinda old though ;P. I agree with misty, they are trying to copy U2...
    Post by: Wingmaker, Aug 4, 2009 in forum: Music
  8. Wingmaker
    I was watching this when i was 9 or 10... xD I liked it a lot though. ;P Keep up the good work...? ;D
    Post by: Wingmaker, Aug 4, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Wingmaker
    I am making this thread about Psychokinesis, coming from the greek words psyche and kinesis, meaning soul and movement. I think it is widely known to people as telekinesis. When it comes to my point of view, the ability to move an object using electromagnetic fields seems plausible,but not in our current state.
    Another hypothesis, is that it doesn't have to do with the power of the mind, but with the power of the soul. I have been reading many books about the eastern religions, and there were points where they were talking about energy points called chakras (naruto lol!) but there really is no way to prove it in a scientifical way...
    However I have seen many crazy things in my life, but i have rejected everything due to my scientific-way of thinking. So I would like to ask you people, am I too narrow-minded or do you agree with me? :3
    Thread by: Wingmaker, Aug 4, 2009, 25 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  10. Wingmaker
    I sleep around 2 and I get up between 9-11 in the morning. I go to the bathroom, eat cereal while watching tv , play some guitar, call my friends and go out. This is vacation life. School life is way more sucky.
    Post by: Wingmaker, Aug 4, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  11. Wingmaker
    Hmm let's see... A perfect world , requires perfect people... So in order to make a perfect world we have to despose of the people who are imperfect. I won't go *****ing around about morals. I believe we had enough about morals in this thread. The thing is, in my point of view , you can't just get rid of the evil in the world. It would mess up with the equilibria of the world. Besides, the urge to kill, or anyway to inflict pain resides in every one of us so if you wanted to do something like making the world better, you'd have to kill every person in the world, then shoot yourself.
    Post by: Wingmaker, Aug 4, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  12. Wingmaker
    I like turtlz.

    Post by: Wingmaker, Aug 4, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Wingmaker
    Hehe just seeing Angelina naked was worth it man! Juuust kiddin'! :3

    Weeell I am not really the action movie guy, but I agree with the people above, I think ''they tried too much'' and that made it really tiring and rather stupid... And the whole ''Curve the bullet thing'' is also really stupid! >.< It is not possible to do that unless you are like Chuck Norris ! :P
    Post by: Wingmaker, Aug 4, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. Wingmaker
    Hmm... When it comes to me I'd say the Org.13 members in KH2fm+ in that white room thing which i can't recall its name... @_@ Anywho, some bosses were IMPOSSIBLE, literally, like Demyx, where you had to kill 99 water clones in like... 5-15 sec? I also can't remember the time limit... xD What to say my memory skills suck :P .
    Post by: Wingmaker, Aug 4, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Wingmaker
    What's with the cookie thing on this site? :P But hey , i appreciate the gesture , thanks... xD Pm me anytime you want, you too coder! ^^
    Post by: Wingmaker, Aug 4, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  16. Wingmaker
    You are 100% correct about Xemnas. And I agree with the idea of Lea being a girl... It would be really nice, and would get some good messages across, like opposing to sexism and to declare some things about the soul/body/heart thing which is the basis of Kingdom hearts.

    If i were Tetsuya Nomura I would make something like that since it would be really progressive and interesting.I don't think souls have a gender.So why not? ^^
    Post by: Wingmaker, Aug 4, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  17. Wingmaker
    MGMT-Pieces of what
    Post by: Wingmaker, Aug 4, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Wingmaker
    Heey boyz 'n' gurlz! My name is Wingmaker, you can call me wm or something :P. Anywho, I am 16 years old. I won't get in any details of my boring life so I will just say my interests... @_@ Soo yeah I like music a lot. I am in a band called Lucid Dream.I am the lead guitarist/singer... I also like science a lot, with an excessive interest in paranormal phenomena lately...That is all you get to know about me for now :) . Glad to join the forum, plz keep in touch everyone, I'd like to meet new , interesting people! ^^
    Thread by: Wingmaker, Aug 4, 2009, 20 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures