Dude come on... Are you gonna hurt a girl...? xD That is lame! :P
Damn... The rejection hurts SOOO much... T^T *whines*
Hmm well, your talents don't have to do with performing necessarily. In the beginning it may sound good, and you may like the feeling of being on a stage but after you get used to it you will want more... And really a band is really complicated, it requires sacrifices and being a pushover sometimes... >_> My advice on this would be to seperate your interests from your career, because you really sounded pretty much sure you want to be a performer... I haven't been myself interacting with this sector a lot, but one thing is for sure, the deeper you go, the harder it is to stay on the surface. So the first thing to do, is find a way to discover your REAL talents. I don't know you personally, so who knows, maybe your talents will match with your interests. However if they don't, you shouldn't get disappointed, there are always ways to be on stage. And don't feel like you are not special, everyone is special to a certain point! It is up to you if you are going to take full advantage of it! And really don't be sad, just let things flow in a natural way , and everything will turn out to be fine, you'll see... :)
This should be moved man... And really, kingdom hearts is a fairly easy game... So why not...? @_@
Since I joined you I have seen you quite much. So 9/10 :).
Jeez, it seems you have an awful crush on somebody to check out stuff like these... xD
For liking turtlz...? (which I don't ,I just like saying it... >>)
Why yes, things got a bit more complicated, but they really wanted to make KHII cooler in a way that KH. I agree with your thought, but it didn't really make much of a difference to me...
Hmm, well around 8. I've seen you quite a lot. And I love your username. :D WOLF POWAH!
Yeaah, I still like turtlz. 3
Hey,hey! Whassup? I'm Wingmaker, Wm for short. This place is nice, have all the fun you can. If you need help with anything pm me or sth. :)
Hmm... That will hurt in the morning... :)
I'd say I like turtlz more.
That's what I am takling about duude! ;D
Hmm... Eat the cat. Then puke it out, works everytime...
Brain gewwd. I still like turtlz more though...
Dude c'mon this is the spamzone chill... So I am bored and I am gonna have a bath... What do I get to do? Talk about qwantum physics?
Just watch the video dude! That is the hilarious thing. And don't tell me you don't like cheese... THIS IS BLASPHEMY!THIS IS MADNESS! THIS IS SPARTA! lol :P *kicks*
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnAJlRNXsxY Yes it is cheese. And yes it is Sasuke.
Hmm? Emus as in Emulators?