so... i got 2/11 would that be right? thanks.
i am on dividing fractions and i still dont know how to divide... if it helps the problem i'm on now is 3 1/7 / 4/7
it downloaded automaticly and now it wont let me log in. i go to log in and it flashes black and goes back to the login screen. it makes sense to just uninstall what i think is messing up my computer...
batman he had a crazy lunatic phase at one point.....
i figured i'd ask now that the game is out legitimately {SP?}. i use DW roxas, Xemnas, and Saix. i just spam limit with Xemnas though. i use the accessory Extreme on him. saix is way too fast for how strong he is. and DW roxas is only every once in a while...
lolz im playing the english right now haha.
imma dress up an a neon clear black strobe light >.>
as far as im concerned i already do. i've always thought the characters were gay...
i think its more simple than that actually. the 358 is definately for roxas's org time. but i think the 2 is merely telling us that you play as roxas. this goes on the concept that sora=1 and roxas=2. but thats just my opinion.
ok thanks i'll be playing grand chase for a little bit while that installs. and i know how to get the deleted stuff back but i was hoping there was a quick convenient way thanks
i dont wanna download anything that will mess up my computer, or wont work. also it would help if you could tell me how to get things from my recycle bin that i accidentally emptied... my pictures of my gummi sephiroth got deleted, and the videos are MOV files. if not i can always just get more pictures later...
i havent checked the game in a few months, is there a thief/assasin job? i generally like those... edit: i just checked them out again. stupid game has no stealth styled class... i'll prolly make a character for all the classes but fighter. the ones i see myself using the most are the slayers and gunners. i dont like the gunners but i dont like stupid looking characters more. i'll probably actually enjoy the slayer or priest characters most though...
lol ok.
easier than simply adding or removing a negative sign?
the hell? these are easy i dont see how i didnt test out of this section...
i was gonna.
lol oh. i thought you had a rainbow... i will when i get home. i am just gonna throw the files in a zip and edit the first post of the thread. they should be up later today, if mom doesnt make me babysit >.>
either prolly the 08 one
2 things. i got pics/video of the seph gummi ship. and uh didnt you used to be premium?
lol i cant right now im in school...