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  1. tSG1
    Only on Mission Mode?
    Post by: tSG1, Nov 2, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. tSG1
    Mod Goofy to become that character.
    Post by: tSG1, Nov 2, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. tSG1
  4. tSG1
  5. tSG1
    Well, it's using PS2Dis. I don't hack, so I don't know the details. All I know, is it involves an Hex Editor, and common sense.
    Post by: tSG1, Nov 1, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  6. tSG1
  7. tSG1
    Actually..... yeah, there's none.

    Is a pretty good reference. Just posting it up.
    Post by: tSG1, Nov 1, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  8. tSG1
    Nothing requried. You can start using Beginner if it suits you.

    The bad side is, that to unlock the Secret Ending, you need to play on at least normal.

    If you love fighting, with a bit of puzzle, but not too hard, I suggest you take Normal mode.

    To get the Secret Trailer, you have to finish the absent sillouettes, Terra, and mushrooms.

    To unlock the silhouettes, you go through a hole made by sepiroth in the Postern area. This is called Cavern of Rembrance.
    Post by: tSG1, Oct 31, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. tSG1
    DW Roxas is very powerful in Story mode, but every character seems to be shrunken in power and in size in mission mode.

    If you want his powers, use the DW Roxas replaces first player, and it should work.
    Post by: tSG1, Oct 31, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  10. tSG1
    Front page for the second bit, just use the all items codes.

    Put an 8 infront of the ability you want equipped. 0 is unequipped

    052 = Guard (Ability)
    05E = Hight Jump Lvl 1 (Ability)
    05F = Hight Jump Lvl 2 (Ability)
    060 = Hight Jump Lvl 3 (Ability)
    061 = Hight Jump Max (Ability)
    062 = Quick Run Lvl 1 (Ability)
    063 = Quick Run Lvl 2 (Ability)
    064 = Quick Run Lvl 3 (Ability)
    065 = Quick Run Max (Ability)
    066 = Aeriel Dodge Lvl 1 (Ability)
    067 = Aeriel Dodge Lvl 2 (Ability)
    068 = Aeriel Dodge Lvl 3 (Ability)
    069 = Aeriel Dodge Max (Ability)
    06A = Glide Lvl 1 (Ability)
    06B = Glide Lvl 2 (Ability)
    06C = Glide Lvl 3 (Ability)
    06D = Glide Max (Ability)
    089 = Upper Slash (Ability)
    08A = Scan (Ability)
    09E = Aerial Recovery (Ability)
    0A2 = Combo Plus (Ability)
    0A3 = Air Combo Plus (Ability)
    0A5 = Donald Fire (Ability)
    0A6 = Donald Blizzerd (Ability)
    0A7 = Donald Thunder (Ability)
    0A8 = Donald Cure (Ability)
    0B0 = Healing Water (Ability)
    0B1 = Furious Shout (Ability)
    0BB = Cure Potion (Ability)
    0BE = Healing Herb (Ability)
    0C3 = Slow 3 (ability,delete)
    0C6 = Trinity Limit (Ability)
    0C7 = Fantasia (Ability)
    0C8 = Flare Force (Ability)
    0C9 = Tornado Fusion (Ability)
    0CA = Teamwork (Ability)
    0CB = Trick Fantasy (Ability)
    0CC = Overdrive (Ability)
    0CD = Howling Moon (Ability)
    0CE = Applause, Applause! (Ability)
    0CF = Dragon Blaze (Ability)
    0D0 = Eternal Session (Ability)
    0D1 = King's Pride (Ability)
    0D2 = Treasure Isle (Ability)
    0D3 = Complete Compilement (Ability)
    0D7 = Pulsing Thunder (Ability)
    0D8 = Brave Shot (Ability)
    0D9 = Brave Beat (Ability)
    0DA = Sonic Strike (Ability)
    0DB = Sonic End (Ability)
    0DC = Wisdom Shot (Ability)
    0DD = Mobile Action (Ability)
    0DF = Synch Blade (Ability)
    0E0 = Magic Haste (Ability)
    0E1 = Magic Spice (Ability)
    0F6 = Over the Horizon (Ability)
    0F7 = Omega Final (Ability)
    0F8 = Reflect Dummy (Ability)
    0F9 = Upper Dummy (Ability)
    101 = Master Strike (Ability)
    102 = Disaster (Ability)
    103 = Endless Magic (Ability)
    105 = Master Magic (Ability)
    106 = Slap Shot (Ability)
    107 = Dodge Slash (Ability)
    108 = Slide Dash (Ability)
    109 = Guard Break (Ability)
    10A = Explosion (Ability)
    10B = Finishing Leap (Ability)
    10C = Counterguard (Ability)
    10D = Aerial Sweep (Ability)
    10E = Aerial Spiral (Ability)
    10F = Horizontal Slash (Ability)
    110 = Aeriel Finale (Ability)
    111 = Reraliation Slash (Ability)
    181 = Auto Valor (Ability)
    182 = Auto Wisdom (Ability)
    183 = Auto Master (Ability)
    184 = Auto Final (Ability)
    185 = Auto Summon (Ability)
    186 = Combo Boost (Ability)
    187 = Air Combo boost (Ability)
    188 = Reaction boost (Ability)
    189 = Finishing Plus (Ability)
    18A = Negative Combo (Ability)
    18B = Berserk Charge (Ability)
    18C = Damage Drive (Ability)
    18D = Drive Boost (Ability)
    18E = Form Boost (Ability)
    18F = Summon Boost (Ability)
    190 = Combination Boost (Ability)
    191 = Experience Boost (Ability)
    192 = Leaf Bracer (Ability)
    193 = Magic Lock-on (Ability)
    194 = No Experience (Ability)
    195 = Draw (Ability)
    196 = Jack Pot (Ability)
    197 = Luck Luck (Ability)
    198 = Fire Boost (Ability)
    199 = Blizzard boost (Ability)
    19A = Thunder Boost (Ability)
    19B = Item Boost (Ability)
    19C = MP Rage (Ability)
    19D = MP Haste (Ability)
    19E = Defender (Ability)
    19F = Second Change (Ability)
    1A0 = Once More (Ability)
    1A1 = Auto Limit (Ability)
    1A2 = Auto Change (Ability)
    1A3 = Hyper Healing (Ability)
    1A4 = Auto Healing (Ability)
    1A5 = Mp Hastera (Ability)
    1A6 = Mp Hastega (Ability)
    Post by: tSG1, Oct 31, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  11. tSG1
    Airslide lv5 just makes you dash five times, after pressing the B button 5 times consectuvely.

    Dashing forward mind you. When used with glide, is quite effective in moving quickly.

    It's sort of Aerial Dodge, except no going upwards.
    Post by: tSG1, Oct 31, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  12. tSG1
    Profile Post

    ahh, whatever lol.

    ahh, whatever lol.
    Profile Post by tSG1 for KeybladeSpirit, Oct 31, 2009
  13. tSG1
    It's an off status effect on (I think) play as Riku, if you don't get it right. Not quite sure how it works though.
    Post by: tSG1, Oct 30, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  14. tSG1
    Well, he'll probably attack both of you. Unless you change the sub-status mod of him.
    Post by: tSG1, Oct 30, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  15. tSG1
  16. tSG1
    Profile Post

    is it done yet?

    is it done yet?
    Profile Post by tSG1 for Roxas is Hot, Oct 30, 2009
  17. tSG1
    I think he means Play as Axel.
    Post by: tSG1, Oct 30, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  18. tSG1
    delete some other saves which slightly more than 90KB, using the "browser" by not inserting any disc, and deleting some saves.
    Post by: tSG1, Oct 30, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  19. tSG1
    LOL, it says N/A :/gasp:
    Profile Post by tSG1 for KeybladeSpirit, Oct 30, 2009
  20. tSG1
    Does it say "select" next to it?

    If so, it's a joker, and you need to press select a few times b4 going out of a screen.

    Do this like
    10 times, just to make sure it worked.

    Turn off, turn on and it should work. That's how it happened for me.
    Post by: tSG1, Oct 30, 2009 in forum: Code Vault