I'm a Heartless
I remember reading this book in 7th grade. I actually liked it and now I want to find it.
I loved this movie so much! I liked the music in it and the dark humor in it. My Dad however thought it should have more killing and less singing, I think that all that blood was a bit of a overkill though.
Eh I think that Sephiroth was pretty much okay in both KH games. The KH 2 fight annoyed me though with Sora, Donald and Goofy's background voices.
I used Peter Pan the most
HMS - Do I even half to say anything about this one? Borat- Not funny at all I Know Who Killed Me - Linsday Lohan.... When a Stranger Calls - Not scary at all The House of Wax - The only best part is when Paris Hilton dies in it
Atlantica Port Royal The long speeches by Sora and Ansem Not that much use of fighting as Roxas or Riku The fact that Port Royal was so dark that after a while all the colors blended in to one another Donald and Goofy's singing That's all I can think of right now
Of mice and men...total bore fest
"The Idiot" "The Rose and the Beast" "Romeo and Juliet"
It seems so. After all it is Disney and I think they used most of the other Disney worlds that didn't involve the Princess'. Also the fact that the Princess' are part of the main plot as said above it is possible.
Happy Apple Posion - Lovedrug
I think people like Roxas for the obivious reasons that he's 'cooler' or 'more badass' but I think also that it's because people can connect with Roxas more than with Sora.
I saw a commercial of it and rented first, then got the game.
I'm pretty much fine with Britney as a person and I like her music. I think that if she really wanted to have a comeback to being the person she use to be, I think she should get out of the spotlight completely and have a normal life for a few years. Then maybe when she is more stable go back into the spotlight.
I don't like her or hate her. To me she's just another dull, boring celebrity who will someday reach thier downfall to reality from thier ignorance and idiocy of the real world, that they are not god and they are human just like the rest of us.
My school goes by block schedule. French I English II Chior Health
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