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  1. Dove Syndrome
    Hmm yes I see. I know that K is very stubbon after all I've known her since the 1st grade when I was five. But now her stubboness is showing up more and more though this whole year. When I actually told her I was bi she said it straight out that she tolerated me, and she admitted to me that she was mad at me for a while. She said it was because of the whole 'shock factor' to find out that her bestfriend is bi, but the more I think about it, the more I think that it was a different reason. And your right she can't have expections for me or anyone else, really me and C have talked about what was going to happen to K after highschool. We agree that K is going to be surpised by the real world and K thinks that her good grades will set her life for her (she's a all A type of student) and she's rather shelted to the real world that me and C have experienced.

    Actually C has been pregnant before, and her and her family were okay with it, but she had a miscarriage. So far she hasn't gotten pregnant just yet and she hasn't been with anyone. She really is the most open-minded person I've ever met which is why I like her more than most of my friends.

    Yes for J I think I will tell him this, I really hope he gets this. And I do have time when C and K aren't around to tell him this.

    Thank you very much I think that this has helped a lot. :)
    Post by: Dove Syndrome, May 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Dove Syndrome
    It's a rumor, most likely fake.
    Post by: Dove Syndrome, May 10, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Dove Syndrome
    Hmm though sound like very good ideas to use on K. I've already told C that she can live the way she wants, with K we had a huge fight about her stop calling C names also the same with the movie. K is very stubbon this way an d she doesn't let things go. I think I will tell J this course I already know he's reaction 'why the hell are you mad at me for?' 'how am i annoying?'
    Post by: Dove Syndrome, May 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Dove Syndrome


    I've haven't seen the whole tralier I've only seem parts. From what I can tell it doesn't look that good.
    Post by: Dove Syndrome, May 10, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  5. Dove Syndrome


    I think I will go see it. I hope it's better than the first movie though since I didn't like the first movie.
    Post by: Dove Syndrome, May 10, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  6. Dove Syndrome
    Well I've been having some trouble some friends of mine The first one: to avoid giving out names let's just call her K. Now K is a ultra conserative and a ultra christian. She's been raised under her mother and grandmother's thumb for her whole life and I can see why as to her been a ultra christian and conserative being that her family is one. K in a way to me is not open-minded at all. K doesn't support anything that is different from her own beliefs and the thing is when somebody like myself talks about something that doesn't agree with her, K will instantely go off on me and yell and try to force her beliefs on everyone. A example would be when I went to see The Golden Compass with a few friends. The next day all I said was 'I saw the Golden Compass last night.' and she loses it. She goes on by saying that the movie and book is 'evil' its 'wrong' and that it's not 'good for moral standers'. I say that its just a movie and a book and that she should read it and to not judge it before reading the book and wacthing the movie. But K still thinks it's wrong.

    Another example would be of course me. I told her that I was a bisexual and she said that she tolerates it. It's not the thing I want to her but it's close enough to tolerate it than hate it. And she knows about my girlfriend. But I let it slip on accident that my girlfriend was a atheist and K said that my girlfriend should be converted. I was a bit ticked and said that you can't change people and she saids that I'm glad that I have a religion (but I think K knows that I'm a atheist too).

    And now for the last example. Another friend of mine (will call her C) does not get along with K sometimes. It's all because C has have sex with men and goes out with a lot of people, and has the very dangerous lifestyle. But I tend to ignore C and let her talk when her dangerous lifestyle and her talking get out of hand. Now C usually comes over to my lunchtable (with K and another friend J) to talk to me and only me. But K and J have such a strong dislike for her that they both start to mouth off to C. They call C a 'whore', '****', 'the devil' and othe vulgar words to describe a person in a negative way. Then C starts to defend herself and they get into a fight. I hate this which is way I defend C, to my belief just because she has a dangerous lifestyle that doesn't mean that she is not a good person.

    J is very annoying on my part. He tries to make me not do my homework because he wants to talk to me about something 'important' (which is about video games and stuff that I don't care about.). He tries to poke me and tickle me when I'm trying to work and he says something in a serious tone (whether it be me, about my girlfriend or both of us) and then say he's kidding. And he tries to make things funny like a movie when I'm trying to watch it.

    I'm about to reach my breaking point with these people.
    Post by: Dove Syndrome, May 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Dove Syndrome
    I don't hate him, but I don't love him either. He's a okay charcter to me, I do like him to a point.
    Post by: Dove Syndrome, May 10, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Dove Syndrome
    I don't really mind her.
    Post by: Dove Syndrome, May 10, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Dove Syndrome
    My favorite bands:

    1. Johnny Hollow
    2. Placebo
    3. Peace Burial at Sea
    4. Koya Dot
    5. Kiss Kiss
    6. Kill Hannah
    7. t.A.T.u.
    8. Nirvana
    9. Sleepthief
    10. Imogen Heap
    11. Lovedrug
    12. Victim Effect
    13. Shiny Toy Guns
    14. Basshunter
    Post by: Dove Syndrome, May 9, 2008 in forum: Music
  10. Dove Syndrome
    Todesangst (192 kbps) - Peace Burial at Sea
    Post by: Dove Syndrome, May 9, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Dove Syndrome
    I'm actually finding stuff on this game now, and I can't really put it into words so I'll let the trailer of the game do the talking:

    For some reason it's going to be on gametap, but I hope that the game will actually be release for the pc or a platform.
    Post by: Dove Syndrome, May 9, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  12. Dove Syndrome
    Is anyone else besides me looking forward to this game?

    A game that has a dark twist on fairy tales. It's suppose to come out around this summer I think.
    Thread by: Dove Syndrome, May 9, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Gaming
  13. Dove Syndrome
    I'm around 5'4" but my friend is 4'11" I think
    Post by: Dove Syndrome, May 9, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Dove Syndrome
    About I say $150
    Post by: Dove Syndrome, May 9, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Dove Syndrome
    Although I do like Vergil because of he dark attitude and serious tone, I prefer Dante. Dante is funny and wise-cracking that makes me laugh after a horrible day.
    Post by: Dove Syndrome, May 9, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  16. Dove Syndrome
    I would say both. People make fun of eachother to think that they are better than the person and they do the same when they don't like the person. In some way it makes them feel better about themselves by making others feel misery.
    Post by: Dove Syndrome, May 9, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  17. Dove Syndrome
    Meds - Placebo
    Post by: Dove Syndrome, May 9, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Dove Syndrome
    Yep it does. I thank you for helping me, I really appreciate it. :)

    :D Actually I'm a girl but that's okay people make that mistake a lot (especially in real life). I'm nice? Well thank you so much! You seem like a nice person too. And I thank you for helping me.
    Post by: Dove Syndrome, May 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Dove Syndrome
    Well yes but if I do lose my friend then oh well, it's life I figure.

    Yeah and since we both will be going to a new school (a career tech school) and she's in a different career field than I am I probably won't see her, and since this new school has people from all over the district not just the town I live in, I'll be able to make more new friends. And if she lets me I probably will say I'm sorry.
    Post by: Dove Syndrome, May 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Dove Syndrome
    I did that last time and somehow she forgot about the whole thing and then became my friend again. But if she does continue to act like this I probably will say something.

    Yeah. Somehow I know she is going to ignore me again, and I see her everyday in two of my classes and I don't know if I should say something to her or not. And the last time I let time take over for another friend (who was also my crush at the time) she wouldn't let it go and said I was part of the problem. So I lost that friendship.
    Post by: Dove Syndrome, May 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone