Metaphorically or literally, it appears anyoen with a split personality has some tie to an animal or god in some way. Frog in a well, posession by a squirel that relays messages bewteen the heavens, middle earths, and hells, oh the list goes on and on.
Well, you where the one to mention split personalitys.
So, are you a Squirrel/Unicorn or a Frog/Flying shark?
You just think you are him but you say you are not. I believe your head is on backwards.
Really? I thought he was just a nameless hobo off the street that decided to live in my closet...
Yeah, I'm thinking he maybe radioactive too.
A catten is a catten. You appear to be PMSing right now though, just making sure.
Touchy touchy Now I don't even feel like bothering with it anymore. Unless you can play a catten don't ask about the band. One thing though I must ask, You are a guy right B?
.....the ign was suppopst to be that way. Why do you correct my spelling and not your own anyway? Hang on I need to find the letters.
Yes, and it is a ****ign epic band too.
Well, you guys could join our band and we can plan stuffz here kinda?
No, I just really have nothing to say.
Finally, a little respect around here for who I am.
I get no mention here?
Actually I have no idea what you where life before, I'm just guessing to most of this. plus an educated fish is helping me find clues. To B: ...........
Well, you hit yourself over the head after you made her, because you realized how much of an idiot she was. Until I figured it out with Deii, nobody even knew she was a clock. Not even she knows. B, you're doin it wrong.
I need to get that tomorrow then. You are Kiryu, you are. Apparently anyway, you ARE a clockmaker. Hey B, I JUST ****IGN LOST THE GAME! But you did now too. Have a nice day.
Woah, you're Bella's father? I love how many random turns this conversation is taking.
OH, I dunno why but I just rmemebered Dexter. Kir, there is three books out right? What one is first? or does that even matter?
Nice B, don't even address the point e_e But WOO it's official "let's get together and...find something to do" time.