Mariaaaaaah. ....HEY! D:<
Wrong again huh? Just what exactly DO you do anyway?
I got a name change, before I was Kikame. I'm not quite sure who you are either...
Sis, now I really must know. In all seriousness, is your real name Cagkt? This question has been plaguing my mind for days and keeping me from sleeping at night.
I disagree, we need Neuro, a floating cat, and possibly some monkey poo to fling. Also 58 spoons and one fork.
That's actually a bit disturbing of a song...
But sis, you're still alive, how?
Sis went invisi? And just after I broke my habit of it too... B, to answer your question, I myself have disappeared off the face of the internet. Though rare sighting of me can be found on EkIchi, Kh-Vids, and possibly DA, I will not be taken off the endangered species list until sometime after summer, but then PreCal may take up a rifle so I will go into hiding once more. As of the others? They all got spirited away, away, away~ Ha ha! Will you be spirited away by demons too~?
ermm.. a long time. Oops I was suppose to disappear. Oh well
It's so fun, so fun, the circus is so fun~ You swim though an ocean of words do you? I wonder... Well it's been fun, but time to fall off the face of the internet again. Goobye.
I honestly cannot make any sense of your thought pattern.
.....You just reposted the exact thing I put a link to, wtf? Do you want me to pick out the exact words that are proving my point or something? You are right about a trope and a cliche being different words, and they aren't synonyms...unless you go by that 'tvtropes' site. But it appears you're misreading the meanings.
The exact same back to you. Riiight. Yeah, they aren't the same thing at all. In fact.... quite the misuse of the word, isn't it? Now let us check on the correct word for the definition? As a final point, many words mean the same thing as others but are completely different words. Unless you failed grade 3 English... Ignore me if you want. Honestly I couldn't care less anymore. Misused words pisses me of but there are far greater aggravations out there. Who knows.
I don't see why that matters. You make no valid points either. You just disagreed with yourself... Eh, not my twin, so go ahead. I don't think it's a good idea though. Oh ho ho ho, really now, this from the person who believes trope is the correct word? I don't hate you, I just don't want you as my mother.
I don't see how that is relivent... i no rite? No, no kicking, no punching, no insulting, and no killing if you please. I'm the only one allowed to stab or insult him or anything D:< Why wouldn't I want to know? No, but you must understand how many cliches there are, right? Oh god no, say it isn't so!
How should I know what you're thinking of? No, it's just a red firetruck drawn in crayon :| Hey hey hey, stop that, the only one allowed to punch my twin is me. I have one. Ray. We must destroy him. What is on said list, if I may ask? You won't follow a cliche you say, yet you already are. Kinda funny. You know though, not all cliches are bad, you could do well to follow one or two.
u..u..USO-DA! Deii, you know? You die? FLASH! FLASH! TOMITAKE FLASH!!
Oh you got me there, if only you didn't have it all backwards. I said my gods but I don't remember every saying I had a religion. On my resume I drew a firetruck D: is that a bad thing?
There is a differece between lieing and 'doing it wrong' Oh that's nice. Mine are mostly still alive, atleast till the Ragarok.
...and how, may I ask, am I doing it wrong? Existence? Is anything really here, how do you prove that we exist, maybe we don't. All the same, to be real or not makes no difference, I feel like I'm here therefore I act as such. To pursue existence is a silly thing.