Pfft, Hypnotoad? What a idiotic thing to- ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD! lol memes God I can't believe I missed so much, even Saturday morning cartoons. Why today out of all days to get dragged out to 'hang out'? Sitting on swings for over an hour gets really boring. Over 6 hours is overkill.
Oh, people still use that? With the state of the world I thought everybody just forgot how to use any common sence.
Telling us to act as if you are not here.. hmm reverse psychology doesn't' work on us, neither does normal psychology. HAY GAIS, LET'S GO SIT ON THOSE PILLOWS OVER THERE, THEY LOOK FUN TO BOUNCE ON?!?!
I second that, you should post more Kir. There's always a certain something missing when you're not here as much.
Let me reword it, then Rika calls Hanyuu "Oyashiro-sama" when talking to people about her, because she IS Oyashiro-sama otherwise known as the Shrine God. Although, she does not refer to her as Oyashiro-sama when she talks to Hanyuu, because she is close friends with Hanyuu and thinks of her more as a friend than as a god. Does that help or do I need to get even more detailed and simplified, in which would cause it to be longer and more complex.
Woah hyper wall of text, glad to see you're back, and that you're hyper. Hyper is fun. Leads to much more interesting conversations than being tired and bored. We go in phases, post a shitload of random conversations, then it slows down for a day, or more.
Why can't it? Timezones? We can plan around it, maybe we can even go by whatever 0 is called, that would make it easier. I know Central is -6 so.... That's 9:33pm Central time?
Alright, how about 15:33? It still is kinda 3:33... 3:33pm on May 3rd? It's a sunday so at least school isn't a problem
Rank 11? X...XI Kiryu is...future me? I am hyper, let's rock this place! ... It's quiet ... More people should be here at weird hours of the day, at 3:33 and 678:02 We need to plan a day when we all are here at 3:33. Yeah.
Stalker sences tingeling, you had to check if anything has changed recently? I honestly wonder how you notice things so quickly.
Fixed. At least it was only in the tab, and not the watermark on the video.
****, did I? e_e I feel stupid now.
Someone should get Minty away from those poor potatoes...
We must have been hit by a truck then, anyone know where Irie went? Also, nice Clown in response to Minty, Deii. I would have picked a water meter though.
Yeah, you knew it was gonna happen eventually.
When I posted Yakitate Japan! you could have posted any anime related thing EVER. Another anime, some manga, a animu character keychain, something really obvious like those, maybe a nendoid, hell I would even take a picture of a mango because of people fail pronouncing manga. Or you could go an poke fun at the main character...whatever his name was, for having bug antennae. And a pool...well you don't even need to be an otaku, for that. Round 2 anyone?
Oh come on, nothing to a picture of an animu and nothing to a picture of a pool? B this is an easy game :/ even something really obvious like what Deii posted then the pool I posted. ...though then again as obvious as that seems to me, that's not quite general EVERYBODY knows the relation, even if quite a few do. Sort of like Xemnas' anagram name within the KH fan community
Good one B, took me a bit to think of what the realation was. (if you don't get this reference, look up Yakitate Japan!)
Yea it is. Right, let's play.