But the living death Of those Who Waken into consciousness, Though for a moment only, ay, or less, To find a coffin stifling their last breath, Surpasses every horror underneath The sun of Heaven, and should surely check Haste in the living to remove the Wreck Of What Was just before, the soul’s fair sheath, How many have been smothered in their shroud! How many have sustained this awful woe Humanity would shudder could we know How many have cried to God in anguish loud, Accusing those whose haste a wrong had wrought Beyond the worst that ever devil thought. (Props to anyone who knows this and why it is epic to me :3)
I wanted to kill her back when I was childish. I dont have to deal with her anymore, so Im good.
Yeah. I don't like people who abuse me.
Hey its Stardust :3
I'd just gaze at my username in happiness <3 Even if it only was for 10 seconds.
My mom can. That's how she found my myspace and knew I was planning to have her assasinated =) Needless to say, the strobe light I bought didn't help.
Trent's name is actually a play on the word, creators said so o: Same with Noah and a couple others.
Trend. I like this word =)
His relatives are all cops. His parents, grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles are xDD he just prefers to stay on the other side of the law.
Rofl, just watched it, that was epic. Happy nude year... hahaha. I can now say I have seen Duncan naked :3 Lol, it sucks that they didn't point out the fact that his parents were cops though.
They're on youtube, but they're in really bad quality, and Gwen's and Heather's are the only good ones. Leshawna and Owen are the only other two that played and it was just people sitting around talking. Leshawna's was of her friend trying to get on season two, and Owen's was just his parents talking and ****, nothing too special.
I wanna be red... D:
Lol, I said that a couple pages back x3
Only the sets and what campers are coming back =\
haha, I do that with amvs <3
Hey guys, here are some of the sets for the new season~ ^Confessional, perhaps?
Bored =/
Oh lawd it is.