Why thank you xDD Courtney was RRMS, Trent was Clouddart100, and I was Gwen.
I like voice chats :3
GC from survivor is SO a ripoff of DJ from TDI! Oh and Crystal is Leshawna -nod nod-
Then it was probably wikichan.
Encyclopedia Dramatica, I'm assuming. A site based off of every single thing that goes on at 4chan.
Which is why you're posting jokes that originate on 4chan on a forum outside of 4chan? Lol.
Seconded. ...Mine, not yours.
MadiYasha Beyond Gwen
Like it matters any. Keep it to good ol' 4chan.
Memes on KHV arent funny.
Gluttony is an always will be my favorite Humonculus <3 I was such a rabid fangirl for him when I was 10. That's the reason behind my msn name.
In the original, as you know, she calls her a Two-faced, backstabbing, lying little motherfucking bitch, and it's bleeped out. But in the cartoon network version they changed it to a bunch of Kindergarden-teacher insults, no bleeping or anything. So basically, yes, they censored a censor. EDIT: Update 10/9
Copper Sun, it was an amazing piece that taught the hardships of slavery, and the best part was, it wasnt one of those boring 'respect the african americans' books, it was great :3
Lol I'm reading New Moon nao, so far so good =)
You are god for this post. Oh, hey Jade Rhade, how you been?
It's a... trap...?
"Duncan Duncan Duncan!" "I think Trent... is better. What about you Packy?" "Gwen." "Gwen?" "Gwen." "Gwen?" "Gwen." "If you could do anyone...
Packy! I at school. Madi love you!
Trent? :3
Lord, they're still going on about this? Ugh. -leaves thread-