hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :):):):):):)
haha <3 Popping out at people would be fun.
Jaaaahahahahahahaham <3 omnomnom
Ima eat you D:<
Old, but appropriate.
It is written, 'Only Link can defeat Gannon'...
Your majesty, Gannon and his minions have seized the island of Koridai.
Ugh, you're just sick. He's already banned. Just let it be and stop provoking him.
Yes, Final was the one who inspired this.
This thread just turned to random fail.
I'm really glad that at least some other realizes that behind that computer screen is a person with a beating heart and emotions. Adiel's a sweetheart but shhh, don't tell him I said that :P
Trust you to pop in here with a meme and a generally cheery mood, haha.
This just hurts and infuriates me. Actually, given that my best friend here was just permabanned for reasons I personally dont find worth what he was given, and that now people are picking on Emma (AGAIN), I'm actually depressed for one of the first times in my life. Over a KH fan forum. Ha, I'm pathetic. I really don't think such equality is given here. I think the more annoying members are banned easily while the well-known ones are given loads of chances. And the sad thing to me is that I'm one step farther from making staff, just because right now, I've realized a lot about some staff members, and now I'm voicing my opinion. If a troll comes, people are going to disobey and talk to it. For christs sake, I CYBERED with a troll! Adiel talked him off the site. I realize he's had previous offenses, but can't you open your damn eyes and realize he's getting better and better at following the rules? He's come so far, and just... agh, I don't know. I wish I had been banned instead of him, because I got banned once, and I didn't do a damn thing to shape up afterwards, whilehe's voiced to me many times that he's trying his hardest, and he loves the people here and wants to stay. I'm not making any of it up, he tried. You can hold me on that, too. You may ban me where I stand, because I sure as hell have lost respect for one of my favorite staff members.
49. lololol. no staff on wut.
Bunny. tdilolwut
But I call everyone that D:
xD Sorry, I only watch real anime, darling <3 Teletoon can be pretty cool though. They made TDI.
Do you own 5 or more than 5 manga books? Yes. Do you own 10 or more than 10 manga books? Yes. Do you own 20 or more than 20 manga books? Yes. Do you own 30 or more than 30 manga books? Yes. Do you know of more than 5 anime shows? If so, then name them. I'll name 5, cause I know way more. Death Note InuYasha Fullmetal Alchemist Naruto Bleach Do you own any plushies/figurines/posters/wall scroll from an anime? Only tons. Do you own any DVDs or CDs of your favorite anime? -points to various OST's- When was the last time you bought some manga and do you plan on buying any more? I went to buy some last week, maybe this Sunday I'll go again. Do you sometimes call dressing up as a anime character "cosplay?" Isn't that what it is? Have you ever cosplayed as a anime character? -points to closet full of funky outfits- Have you ever posted a video on youtube or posted a pic of yourself cosplaying? Both. Have you ever went to a anime convention? 3 a year. Have you ever joined an anime/manga club? Yes. Have you ever started an anime/manga club? Helped in starting one. Do you ever say "nani" or "baka" on the internet or in real life? I'm a fan, but no way in hell I'm Wanapanese. I wanna blow their skulls out. Do you know what "nani" and "baka" mean? Yes. Do you ever answer a question by saying "hai"? Probably in my earlier years. Do you know what hentai is? <3 Have you ever seen hentai? <3 Do you know what yuri is? <3 Do you know what yaoi is? <33333 Have you ever purchased a manga/anime magazine? (e.g. Shojo Beat, Shonen Jump) Shonen Jump <3 What was the last anime you've seen? Uhhh... Code Geass? What was the last manga you've read? Re-reading Death Note. Name a non-mainstream anime/manga (if you can't answer this, your not a true otaku). Hm... Shakugan no Shana? Name a mainstream anime/manga. Def Nowt. Name an anime company (Japenese or otherwise). Funimation. Do you own any anime-related t-shirts? I think a better question would be if I don't. Do you have more anime t-shirts than regular t-shirts? -points to above- Do you sing anime theme songs? When I listen to them. Does everything you know about the Japanese language come from anime? No, I've taken classes, but they were inspired by my love for Japanese culture which came form anime. Have you ever made an AMV? Yes. Have you ever seen an AMV? Yes.
Misa Misa Misa Misa Misa Misa Misa Misa Misa Misa Misa Misa RAITO RAITO