This is the biggest lie I think I've EVER seen in my 13 years of living.
Lol I already knew. I had her on myspace way before she was on KHV.
It'd just be nice if you told me that when I replied to you so I wasn't confused and figured you were ignoring me. Anywho, you have my complience. Let's please not make assumptions :D
Amen, bra.
Nah. My parents aren't uptight losers.
This would have gone completely fine if you hadn't opened your mouth.
Reasoning with you people is impossible. Especially Wigger-boy over there.
I don't wanna be you anymore.
I don't see why this is the slightest bit significant considering you can add anyone you want.
I still wanna be you.
And do you understand WHY people 'take my side'? It's because I don't whine at the people who don't. In fact, I don't whine at all. I grit my teeth and move on. That being said, the only people online who stick up for me are my friends. Half of KHV hates my guts, staff members especially.
This particular thread is directed towards emos as a general group. When I had that conversation with you, you were being the immature little shit you usually are when you don't get your way. Perhaps I should've phrased it better, but what I meant was that I hate people who act like emo little bastards. 'Emo' meaning 'whiny little pricks who cry to get their way', while that sounds like a generalization, I meant you and you alone. Taking it out of context like that is extremely disrespectful. Even so, I was quite out of control. You're one of the only people Ive met who can really piss me off. I'll rephrase, I have never hated and/or said I hated and meant it. I hate how people act sometimes, and how people can think, talk, etc., but I have never in a million years hated a person for who they are.
Ditto to what Ghetto said.
Don't go Soku on us, buddy.
How does this prevent you from watching 6teen? I'm like the biggest TDI fan here.
I was watching episode 10 and then I realized it was time for TDI, haha. I come out here and BOOM. Commercial.
Jude and Jen are my favorite xDD Jen cause she's voiced by Megan. I adore Megan for her cute little squeaky voice o:
I don't. I've never hated in my life.
Im watching it right now omgggg Why is this bad?