character form Username- Mimiru Name- Seto Kaiba Deck Name- Dragonic Royalty Main Card- Blue Eyes White Dragon Deck Type- balanced Personality- Ignorant and hates to lose. Age- 18 Rank-(satellite or new domino city)- New Domino City
Now Ultimate dragon is special summoned then I play cost down to summon White Horned Dragon who's attack becomes 3700 then I play monster reborn to special summon Blue eyes white dragon then I play burst stream of destruction then I attack with White Horned dragon reducing your lp to you-2800 me- 800 Then I attack you with Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon you- 000 me- 800
I play white dragon ritual. I send white horned dragon to the grave to special summon then I special summon Chaos Emperor Dragon- Envoy of the End now his effect activates. you lose 3500lp me- 6200 you- 6500 Then I play dimension fusion to special summon Blue eyes white dragon and white horned dragon. Now his effect activates. His attack boosts by 1500 now he has 3700. Then I equip Paladin with united we stand now his attack is boosted by 2400 bringing him up to 4400 Then I attack with Blue eyes me- 6200 you- 3500 Then I attack with white-horned dragon me- 6200 you- -200 Then I attack with Paladin of white dragon me- 4200 you- -4600
My recent one in the duel arena. thank you ahead of time in case I'm not on
Could you delete my recent post in the duel arena. My computer double-posted the same post
Can you delete one of my post please. My computer was being crappy and it double-posted the same [ost
Alright I play future fusion then I play 3 ground collapses Then I set 1 facedown
I might come back but I don't remember my character's description.
I was just warming up against her though. Idm though I'll go hard on her. Me and Petru are going to duel tomorrow if there aren't any duels....
Sorry I thought it was my turn and I redid my move so feel free to destroy my hand with a card effect
I redid my move as requested. Sorry thought it was my turn
kuribo the cutie= end game
I activate kuriboh's effect to negate the damage
I found an alternate route
it targets all monsters on the field
You didn't win yet shining dragon's effetc let's me negate ragekai
Jaden uses them and you guys let Aqua do that. I think I'm signing out for tonight. I'll continue tomorrow Jaden
Your calling clone dragon a fake when I've got the lonk right here that's my proof
Clone dragon is an actual card. Jaden re-made it for me. The hand refills remember?