Search Results

  1. Mimiru
    I lost one boob doing that move. Now I'm about to chew off your toes and eat your spleen as payback
    I play polymerization[​IMG] to special summon Blue eyes ultimate dragon then I play 3 silent dooms to special summon them back[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] then I offer blue eyes ultimate to special summon Blue eyes shining dragon[​IMG] and clone dragon[​IMG] No I attack you with beud dealing 1700lp damage then blue eys dealing 200 thyen clone dragon dealing 300 then Blue eyes dealing 200 then my last blue eyes dealing 3000

    you- 5600
    me- 8000
    Post by: Mimiru, Oct 18, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  2. Mimiru
    Fine I play 3 ancient rules to special summon 3 blue eyes white dragons[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] then I end my turn
    Post by: Mimiru, Oct 18, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  3. Mimiru
    you did with Ctr So why not me?
    Profile Post by Mimiru for Sanya, Oct 18, 2009
  4. Mimiru
    Profile Post

    idk really

    idk really
    Profile Post by Mimiru for WilliamTheWise, Oct 18, 2009
  5. Mimiru
    and here's my proof
    or it may me
    Post by: Mimiru, Oct 18, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  6. Mimiru
  7. Mimiru
    I've already VMed an admin so my acount will be deactivated. i lost a deal and now I'm paying for it. See ya in Hell guys ^.^
    Thread by: Mimiru, Oct 18, 2009, 8 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  8. Mimiru
  9. Mimiru
    Your not being a good christian Xakota. Judging others is against the rules in the bible. My move was the only one wrong. Not hers. Recheck old proof. Just wait until she can post the page she has
    Post by: Mimiru, Oct 18, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  10. Mimiru
  11. Mimiru
    oh well good game Anakin. I'll go talk to a super mod or Admin
    Post by: Mimiru, Oct 18, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  12. Mimiru
    I play cost down and summon Vampire lord[​IMG][​IMG] and graceful charity and discard White horned dragon and vampire lord[​IMG]and 2 silent dooms to special summon Vampire lord first then white horned dragon[​IMG][​IMG] then I remove from play 3 silent dooms, monster reborn and graceful charity to boost White Horned dragon's attack by 1500 which gives it 3700 attack points. Now I play card of sancity[​IMG] and equip White horned Dragon with 3 megamorphs[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] giving the total amount of 29,600 att and now I equip both vampire lords with one united we stand each[​IMG][​IMG] Now I attack Dark magician of chaos dealing 20,800 dmage then I attack with with vampire lord dealing 2100 dmage after attacking Silva. Then the next vampire lord dealing 1600lp damage
    Post by: Mimiru, Oct 18, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  13. Mimiru
    I play polymerization and special summon blue eyes ultimate dragon[​IMG] then I special summon Clone dragon then I offer Blue eyes ultimate to special summon Blue eyes shining dragon \[​IMG][​IMG] now I play card of sancity[​IMG] and I play monster reborn to special summon Blue eyes ultimate[​IMG] then I play silent doom to special summon Blue eyes white dragon[​IMG] then I switch it to attack mode then I end my turn
    Post by: Mimiru, Oct 18, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  14. Mimiru
    so how've you been Dakota?
    Profile Post by Mimiru for Always Dance, Oct 18, 2009
  15. Mimiru
    Yeah what this weirdo said. Just let me prep my deck and remember the feel of it. And Anakin...pfft. I'll talk to youin vm.
    Post by: Mimiru, Oct 18, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  16. Mimiru
    Apparently i've missed alot. What is Ruon's current screename? Anyway
    RUON I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL. My terms are 16,000lp, animes, and I go first.
    The results. If I win your my gf again. If I lose I'll request for my account to be deactivated.
    Post by: Mimiru, Oct 18, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  17. Mimiru
  18. Mimiru
  19. Mimiru
  20. Mimiru
    yeah mystical elf could power a blue eyes and a jam token could kill legendary flame lord
    Post by: Mimiru, Sep 7, 2009 in forum: The Playground