Im not too fond of this skin personally, to me it seems like something a child came up with, the previous skin was put together alot better in my opinion, and looked a heck of a lot more professional.
probably "Ah ****....I just got my *** kicked by a school-girl"(at least thats what it looks like to me)
That seriously makes me happy....
C.J.H and oddly enough, my brother, Arc's are J.C.H weird huh? lol
Arc, I may not have agreed with him, and may have jumped down his throat for his choices at times, but I dont think anyone else was more dedicated, he spent two years of his life doing his best here, he deserves some props.
Lets just get Bill Clinton back in. Eff the two term rule, he was fantastic.
actually it isnt really pvp/WoE oriented, they altered everything, so things are alot harder than normal rates(porings have somewhere like 150+hp) and MVPs are unspeakably stronger here
Base/Job/Drop Rates: 20000x/20000x/500x Max Level: 999/150 - Max Stats: 1000 - Max Aspd: 194
I invite everyone to join me at ScytheRO, its a great Private server for Ragnarok online, super high rate. I know you will love it as much as I do. PM me for the URL (since I think its illegal to post urls to other sites here.....
no, she didn't "pwn" anything, she showed her own stupid arrogance, she takes stuff out of context and uses it against people. This is why he feels he doesnt deserve to be around here anymore, is people like her!
Yeah, why not show the entire context of that JOKE with the rest of that?
a single conciounce? no I dont believe that, I do, however believe in the Gaia Theory(Which was spoken of in FF:Spirits within) where everything has a soul, and sort of lends aid to each other. Trees give people life, people die, and decompose, feeding the soil and giving life to more plants, which allow life for humans. Plants do in fact go into shock when damaged enough, so they MUST feel pain, in my opinion.
why fear admins? Theyre users just like you and me :P
me too was funny and cute.
simple. "I ****ing knew it!!!!" and made Arc pay me the five bucks we had bet, he said it wouldnt happen lol.
She was made one due to a misunderstanding in agreements, and the one that did it has given as much as he could to try and make up for it...
nah I like your name...makes me think of Thorax
that would be a little awkward...Arcs my brother....
Especially Arc, I think he knows best ;)
come on guys be nice to annie, shes a good person <.<