I love scrubs....
yes. yes it can. <_< >_>
what gives you the right to say that to anyone? Who the hell do you think you are? she came here to get help, not to be called pathetic. If you have nothing helpful or constructive to say, keep your opinions to yourself, you don't help anyone with snide ****ing comments like that.
*thinks* colorado?
umm they originated from hamburg germany I believe Misty O_o at least thats what all my teachers always told me...
you guys from Cali or somewhere else?
anyone else think its funny that none of the "all American Foods" are actually american made at all? only thing on that list is baseball(I think, we probably stole that from someone too though XD)
I wish I had a cornfield.... >.< thats so cool...
thats cool....you have a cornfield by your house?
no with that piccolo pete bomb I mentioned on page 1 lol.
dont worry, you dont gotta spell good to hang with me XD
YES! haha I made a small crater in my street earlier today
lol I always take piccolo petes apart, and empty them into a 2 litre, until its full, then tie the wick to them all together, make a hole in the cap, put the end of the wick in there, make sure the wick is 2 feet long or so, light it and run while waiting for the big BOOM!
lol :p maybe. I really do love this day though ^_^ I know, I was joking.... -_-
happy 4th of july! Hope you all get to blow **** up, cuz we all know, thats the whole point of this holiday!!
what do you mean by "Brick" like permanently break, or just have to restart the system?
*Ties up Neku so he cant come on*
he/she got it right.
Can I boogie with ya?
that, or he's related to Miroku, or trying to be Vampire Hunter D lol.