[color=magenta]You know what else was colourful? Young Justice. DAMMIT WB WHY CAN'T WE HAVE NICE THINGS?
[color=magenta]Yup. And as soon as Batman works himself out of a job, Superman can take over and stop meteors from breaking the planet or whatever...
Ok, so before I post this chapter, I would just like to say that I love it. A lot. It's one of my favourites. It is a rest chapter, so no action. Yet. Ok, boring bit over, let's have a chapter! Spoiler: Chapter 17 - Coming Storm Breakfast the next morning was an interesting scene to say the least. Alfred hadn't woken any of them up, letting everyone sleep in for a change. But as expected, around eleven, the telltale signs of life could be heard from upstairs. Bruce was the first to trudge into the kitchen, surprisingly. He had, of course, gone on patrol that night, as he always did in spite of any current circumstances, and his bloodshot eyes told of needing more rest. But that was how it always was, and Alfred didn't question his appearance. The man was almost supernatural like that. Maybe so many years of self-inflicted sleep deprivation had trained him in the art of functioning with minimal rest. “Good morning, Master Bruce.” “Morning, Alfred.” Bruce mumbled in response, sitting himself down at the table and grabbing the newspaper Alfred had left for him there. It only took a few minutes for Alfred to prepare Bruce’s meal, as he had finished all the prep work nearly an hour ago. As he came bustling out of the kitchen with a steaming plate of bacon, eggs, toast, and fruit, he spotted both Tim already at the table, head resting on his folded arms, and Jason walking through the dining room entrance lazily. "Good morning young sirs.” He greeted crisply, placing Bruce’s tray of food down in front of him. Tim bolted up and Jason flinched at the butler’s disapproving tone. Bruce looked over his newspaper and at the two boys before giving the butler a questioning glance. Had they gotten into trouble the previous evening that he was unaware of? Tim was the first to recover. “Hey, Alfred! Um, sleep well?” “Indeed I did, thank you Master Timothy. But by the looks of it, you yourself are still exhausted.” Tim gave a start. “What! No, I'm just...still waking up is all.” “Surely.” The butler replied dryly before turning back into the kitchen. Tim placed his head in his hands. “I'm so dead.” He moaned. Jason came and sat next to him. “You really need to improve on your acting skills Timmy. But for what it's worth, thanks for taking his attention off of me.” As if he could hear the whispered conversation from the other room, Alfred's voice rang out. “Master Jason, I do not remember giving you permission to be out of bed either!” Jason paled, then abruptly copied Tim, burying his face in his hands. “Serves you right.” Tim breathed. The room was then graced with the presence of Damian who came walking in moodily, but looking fully refreshed, followed by a rather bleary eyed Dick. Damian gave one look at his two brothers seated at the table and snorted. “It seems you two imbeciles have ignored Pennyworth's orders then?” “Hey!” Jason answered uncovering his face. “I slept at least. He can't expect me to stay in bed all day.” Dick and Damian both sat by Bruce, who was sipping lukewarm coffee and watching his sons’ proceedings with mild interest. Alfred came out of the kitchen again, balancing four trays expertly. The boys groaned as their food was placed in front of them. All grain, heart healthy flaxseed flakes. Alfred's favourite punishment. “Oh goodie, cardboard.” Jason complained, but was instantly silenced by one of Alfred's looks. “Don't be ridiculous Master Jason, this cereal is extremely good for you. Why the health benefits of flaxseed are-” But Alfred never got to list off the health benefits of flaxseed, for at that moment, heavy footsteps were quickly approaching the dining room. Sora came skidding to a stop in front of the entryway, his face covered in red, blue, green, and yellow. “Jason!” He yelped, pointing an accusatory finger at said young man while Bruce choked on his coffee. “You did this!” Jason looked up grinning from his cereal. “Well I can't take all the credit kid. I had some help.” The look of utter shock on Sora's face was enough to get some stifled giggling out of the boys at the table, despite Alfred's disproving glare. “Guys!” Sora whined. “This stuff is permanent or something! It won't come off, I tried.” “But it suits you so well!” Dick added unhelpfully. At Sora's words, the kindly elder gentlemen walked over to him, ignoring the snorts of laughter issuing from the table. “Years of experience have taught me there is a trick to it Master Sora. Come this way, we will get you cleaned up in a moment.” Sora followed Alfred out of the room, giving his friends an unusually dark look as he went. After the boys had calmed down enough to realize they were no longer under the supervision of the all mighty Alfred, they took turns feeding portions of their cereal to Titus, who would eat anything despite its flavor. Bruce merely turned a blind eye to these proceedings, not wanting to ruin his boys’ fun. They deserved it after the other day. It was Dick who realized that they couldn't give all their food to the dog, or else things would look too suspicious, so by the time Alfred and Sora came back, the latter with a marker free face, all the boys had about half a bowl of cereal left. If Alfred suspected anything he didn't show it. Sora took a seat at the table, still looking grumpy, however within five minutes, after Alfred had brought him a plate very similar to Bruce’s, he was laughing about it with all the others. “And I didn't wake up at all!?” “Nope, didn't even move. Not even when Dick started laughing.” Sora grinned widely before shoving a fork of bacon into his mouth. “Thanks a lot Alfred, this tastes great!” “I'm glad you think so sir.” The butler said happily as he cleared away Bruce’s dishes. The rest of the meal passed quickly as they all sat there talking and joking. It was a light sort of mood despite all that had happened recently, though Jason and Dick sometimes shot each other funny looks. Bruce didn't leave, but sat with them, waiting until Alfred had checked that the very last remnants of flaxseed had been consumed before getting the group's attention. “There's something you all need to know,” he said gruffly, even now feeling guilty about breaking up the pleasant atmosphere. Everyone seemed to sense his seriousness and mellowed quickly, directing their full attention to the man. “When I was patrolling last night... I found more Heartless.” “What!?” they all bellowed in unison. Wincing at the noise, Bruce continued. “Only a few, but they’re still out there. Mostly the small ones that I could see. Sora, any way to get rid of the remainder?” Crossing his arms, Sora thought. “I think… The ones that are here are just the ones we didn’t beat yesterday. If we get rid of those, we should be good.” Relieved smiles across the tables. “But more might be attracted here.” A familiar crease developed between Bruce’s eyebrows. “What do you mean? What could attract them?” “Let me handle this one Sora.” The unexpected voice from the kitchen door had the entire family grabbing at the nearest objects, from kitchen knives to plates held like Frisbees. Sora broke into a wide smile and bolted for the door, tackle hugging the figure standing in the doorway. “Riku! It’s good to see you again! Are you all healed? Where are Donald and Goofy?” Recognizing the teen, the other occupants of the room put away their makeshift weaponry. Laughing, Riku returned the hug. “I'm fine Sora. Leg's all better. Donald and Goofy had to go to Halloween Town to help Jack with a small Heartless problem.” Releasing his hug, Sora regarded his friend suspiciously. “Wait, how did you find me? I didn’t tell you where I was.” Bruce frowned. “I’d like to know that as well.” Riku’s eyes widened at the man standing just past his best friend. “Wait, you’re Batman?” He’d been bored in the gummi ship, so he’d downloaded some recent news articles from the world. Then the not so recent ones. Then the obscure ones. The more he read about this guy and the rest of the so-called Batfamily, the more impressed he became. Seeing the man – in person, and without a cowl – was a bit overwhelming. Shaking himself out of his thoughts, Riku asked a question instead of answering. He pointed at the only person in the room with sunglasses. “Did you know he’s radiating darkness like an inverted lightbulb? The ship’s scanners could pick it up from orbit. That’s how I found you.” Stunned looks all directed themselves towards Jason, who was a bit shocked himself. He was what? Riku just nodded. “Yup. And that’s going to attract more and more Heartless. That and having two Keyblade Wielders here.” Tim frowned. “Two Keyblade Wielders? Sora definitely, then the other one is you, Riku? And what do you mean about Jason attracting Heartless?” Dick smacked Tim lightly. “Again with the names.” “Tt. He’s in the house, Grayson! It’s a little late to be worrying about keeping our identities secret.” Damian huffed and focused on Riku. "Oh! Should I introduce you properly then?” Sora seemed incredibly excited to tell Riku his new friends’ real names. At Bruce’s nod, he beamed, pointing at each member of the family as he introduced them. “Batman is Bruce,” a nod, “Nightwing is Dick (yes, that’s a real name),” a happy wave and a snort at the latter comment, “Red Hood is Jason,” he simply grunted in acknowledgment, “Red Robin is Tim,” a smile and a nod, “and Robin is Damian!” arms crossed, Damian lifted his mouth in a quick snarl. “Oh, he likes you! Oh! And that’s Alfred!” The butler, having just entered the room, raised an eyebrow at the new addition to his kitchen. Grabbing an apron, he started a batch of biscuits for the visitor. Riku waved to all of them. “Good to see you again!” Turning to Tim, he finally answered his question. “Yup, I’m a Keyblade Master. Heartless are scared of Keyblade Wielders and tend to follow them around, trying to… eliminate the threat, so to speak. They also follow darkness. They thrive in it. Plus, where there’s a lot of darkness, there’s a higher chance of more Heartless to be made. That tends to get their attention.” “So just me being here is putting Gotham in danger?” Jason asked. He sat back in his chair, a distinctly unhappy expression on his face. “Of frickin’ course.” “Well, if you’d just let me-“ Dick tried to grab Jason up in a hug, which the younger neatly dodged. “Jason! You heard Riku! The longer this is with you, the more danger you’re in! Those Heartless will follow you forever! Now just hold still!” Jason dived away, tripping on Titus who had positioned himself very unhelpfully underfoot. While he was trying to regain his balance, Dick managed to get both arms around his brother. Light built in the miniscule space between them. And Jason screamed. Releasing his brother, Dick stepped back. Jason’s sunglasses had slipped during the scuffle. Eyes wide and face contorted in pain, he just sat on the floor for a moment, trying to catch his breath. “Jason, what…?” Bruce started. Riku knelt next to Jason. Sending them a look that clearly said “stay there a second”, Riku turned towards Jason and grabbed one of his arms. Taking a long look at the faint lines running just under the skin, he sighed. “You spoke to your darkness?” Riku asked, his eyes boring into Jason’s. “How many times? And describe what happened each time.” His voice was quiet, tired. “Three. Once just after Sora went out. It gave me power. Then again, when Baldie tried to kill Tim. It took control. And then in the medbay. It pushed the darkness down, so it wouldn’t worry them anymore.” Jason gave off a weak chuckle. “But I guess it lied.” Snapping his fingers in front of Jason’s nose, Riku said sharply, “Focus Jason. That second time. Did anything seem out of the ordinary?” Jason’s eyebrows came together. “Yeah actually. It shuddered, and then the stained glass got covered. When it spoke again, its voice was off.” He nodded, like this was expected. “One last question. Any injuries between the first and second time?” At Jason’s nod, Riku said, “Let me see.” Turning around, Jason lifted his shirt, showing off the still-healing stab wound in his back. Sora had done a great job with it actually. It felt like a week old injury, not one that had been there less than a day. Based on the scattered gasps from behind him though, it looked much worse than it felt. He twisted, trying to get a look at the… wound, with a spiderweb of dark, dark, dark lines surrounding it. Riku placed his fingers lightly on the injury. “Thought so. He got hit by a container. And whatever was in that container aggravated the piece of Xehanort's darkness still in him, boosted its power. Do you still have it?” Tim nodded and jumped up to fetch the knife Dick had brought home from the Cave. He had wondered why Dick thought they would need or want it, but now he was really glad he had. By the time he got back, Jason was sitting at the table again, Riku beside him. He passed off the knife to Riku’s inspection. Holding the blade sideways, Riku leaned in close to examine it. “Yup. A container. You see, it’s a bit hollow here.” He pointed out a few grooves in the blade. “These used to hold darkness, Xehanort’s I’m guessing. But since Jason has already had a bit of that in him, he has a bit of an immunity. Not to mention the fact that his own darkness is trying to fight off Xehanort’s as we speak. That’s probably the only reason you’re still you at this point.” Jason shuddered. He had come this close to losing who he was, again. “You said my darkness was fighting. What happens if it loses?” His eyes traveled up. The grim expression on Riku’s face was all the explanation he needed. “Oh.” “Wait, so why can’t I just hug it out of him? Why did it hurt so much?” That would be Dick, always with the most affectionate questions. Ignoring Jason’s startled yelp, Riku grabbed one of his arms again and inspected it closely. “Yeah, don’t do that anymore. The darkness has moved down from the surface of his skin into his bones. Technically you could still remove the darkness. It would just hurt. A lot.” Dick recoiled, looking guiltily between his arms and his brother. “I didn’t… I didn’t know. Jay, I’m-” “If you say you’re sorry,” Jason interjected, “I’m going to punch you. Right in your face. There’s no way you could have known.” He sighed, like this had just been a possibility he had known would come to pass. Wait. Had he? He’d mentioned that breaking the “deal” might not have “pleasant side effects”. No, if he’d known, he would have used it in his argument. Knowing Jason though, he had probably suspected this, or something like it. A question burning in his throat, Dick turned to Riku. “Is there any way to fix this? Your files said that you had turned over to the darkness too.” Not even surprised anymore – these people were really good at getting at his files – Riku simply answered. “It was a little different in my case. My entire physical appearance had changed. And what changed me back was a one in a million chance from the Kingdom Hearts Encoder exploding. Not to mention, I never actually made any deal with my darkness. I never spoke to it. It was always Xehanort’s darkness, in the form of Ansem, that I spoke to.” The mood in the room dropped significantly. And was slightly lifted a moment later when Alfred placed his fresh biscuits and a pot of tea in the middle of the table. After a brief scuffle to grab the biggest one (they were all the same size), the group sat around the table, happily eating. Bruce finally spoke. “So, what can we do?” Riku shrugged. “Not much from down here. We could get Jason off the world, take him to see Yen Sid. Maybe he’ll have some ideas.” Before anyone could say anything else, Dick shot his hand into the air. “Wherever Jason is going, I’m going too!” Sora seemed to bubble with delight. “Road trip!” “Whoa! No way!” Jason shouted, standing up so fast his chair scraped against the wooden floor behind him. “I'm not having my whole family tag along with me!” Dick smiled and Jason stared at him. “What?' “That was the first time you called us family in a long time.” That took Jason back for a moment before he regained himself. “Look who’s avoiding the subject this time! You are not coming just so you can try to hug me again.” Dick bit his lip. “Jay, I promise I won't do that again if it hurts you, honest. I just-” “I think it's a good idea for Dick to tag along Jason.” At this, everyone in the room, even Riku, stared at Bruce, completely nonplussed. The man simply smiled at the boys’ incredulity. “I think you would enjoy the company, and who knows, you might just need his help.” That was the wrong thing to say. Jason snorted. “You know I can take care of myself Bruce. You just wanna set a watchdog on me.” “No.” Bruce countered. “You are considering traveling to completely unknown territory, and you have minimal knowledge of what you will face. Dick might be invaluable to you.” “Uh huh.” Jason said rolling his eyes. “I'll already have Sora and Riku with me Bruce. And they’re experts. In fact, why aren't you offering to come with me if you're so adamant I have a partner?” “Simple, I protect Gotham. I belong here. Leaving the city for an unknown amount of time isn't an option. You know that.” And I belong with the Outlaws. Jason thought. Though he knew they were off busy kicking some serious bad guy butt right about now. Or relaxing on the island. Both sounded really good right now. “How about the Replacement and Demon Spawn?” “Robin stays with Batman!” Damian added suddenly. “That shall always be the case.” Bruce glanced down at Damian with something some might just take for affection. “And I really need to get back to the Titans.” Tim added. “I've been gone long enough as it is. Miguel and Cassie contacted me this morning and wouldn't shut up about needing my help on a mission.” Jason crossed his arms. “I'm still not bringing Dick.” A small deliberate cough directed everyone's attention over to Riku, who was looking from Sora's confused face, to Jason's look of defiance, to Dick determined scowl. “The way I see it,” he began, “you need to go to other worlds. And traveling between them through the connected darkness is no easy task. So I am assuming you are wanting to use our ship.” Now Riku couldn't help grinning evilly. “Our ship, our rules. Sorry Jason, but I agree with the big guy. Dick could help us a lot with all those Heartless your darkness is bound to attract. He's coming.” Dick pounded a fist energetically into the air, while Jason groaned. “Sweet!” he sang, swinging an arm around Jason’s shoulder that was instantly shoved off, none to gently. Suddenly Alfred appeared from out of the corner. “I assume you will be needing some belongings to take with you, young sirs. I always keep extra uniforms packed down in the cave. Just give me a moment to fetch them and a few other things. I shan’t be long.” “Thanks Alfie.” Dick beamed as the elderly gentlemen left the room. “Where would we be without you?” “The idea is too dreadful to consider.” he called back. The next few minutes were spent with everyone seated around the table, munching on biscuits and sipping tea while discussing there next plan of action. It was decided that Jason and the others would go straight to Yen Sid if possible, though Riku again pointed out that they could be pursued by any number of Heartless drawn to Jason. That could put a flaw into their plans at any rate. The only real development that came from the conversation was that Bruce made Jason and Dick promise to stay in touch regularly. Jason wasn't nearly as accepting of this proposal as Dick. By the time Alfred returned, handing both boys a heavy duffel bag, and even giving Sora a backpack with his original clothes, the topic of who would watch over Bludhaven if something happened was being finalized. Batgirl and Batman could split the responsibility if need be. Without warning, and with tremendous force, the ground started to shake violently, making the chandelier above them sway from side to side, glass shards tinkling against glass. Standing up suddenly as the lazy atmosphere from moments ago melted away, everyone had to put their hand on the table to steady themselves (except Bruce) before staring around as if the cause of the shaking could be seen. “An earthquake?” Dick asked shakily. The sensation of the ground – usually so stable and reliable – shaking like this was alarming to say the least. “Unlikely” Bruce replied, even now walking a bit unsteadily across the room, his years of training the only thing keeping him up. “At least not a natural one. The likelihood of one occurring due to the positioning of the tectonic plates is extremely low.” “Couldn't it just be a coincidence?” Asked Riku. “I don't believe in coincidences.” Amazingly, and with a lot of stumbling, the entire group managed to be standing in front of the multiple florescent screens in the Batcave five minutes later. The lights in the manor had been flickering, but the Cave’s power source was much more reliable. Anxious figures watched, clutching desks and support beams for balance as Bruce began typing ferociously at his keyboard. Maps, satellite imagery, and radars flashed to life in front of their eyes before Bruce turned around, stony faced. “Looks like Xehanort might not have left the world after all.”
[color=magenta]Yeah. Green Lantern didn't fail because it was bright. It failed because it was poorly written. Superman is basically Batman's...
[color=magenta]Superman wishes he could be as cool as Batman. Sadly, he cannot. Tragic.
[color=magenta]All of which are Batman spin offs I now realize. There's probably a reason for that.
[color=magenta]Cool. So for American comics, I highly recommend We Are Robin. And Grayson. And Red Hood/Arsenal. And Robin Son of Batman. All are...
[color=magenta]To the manga?
[color=magenta]I got some sleep.
[color=magenta]Yeah, that was a bit weird. I could probably use some sleep.
[color=magenta]You said it was divisive. That means mixed reactions. I put the two most likely reactions up there.
[color=magenta]2012 or 2015? And because the "It's an amazing film that shares the themes of its predecessors while standing well on its own" and...
[color=magenta]Most likely.
[color=magenta]He knows because it was his head that was bit.
[color=magenta]How can you be sure!? You didn't use a pronoun!
[color=magenta]The one you're biting. Is it Strahd's head?
[color=magenta]Is it Strahd's head?
Yay! Another chapter! And not late this time. Spectacular! Spoiler: Chapter 16 - My Darkness, My Choice, My Problem Dick looked over at Jason, who was gazing down at the younger two with a smile on his face. Bruce had told him that Jason had promised his… darkness? that he wouldn’t let Dick drive it out again. He understood that Jason wanted to keep his promise, but he wished he wouldn’t. In Dick’s book, Jason’s health came before any promise to a dark entity with an unknown agenda. Clearly, he needed to talk some sense into his brother. “Alright kiddies, time for all the little Robins to get to bed.” Dick clapped his hands together, keeping a bright smile on his face. “We’ll find out what Sora thinks of his new makeup when he wakes up.” Yawning, Tim nodded. Even Damian seemed too tired to argue, only letting out a small “Tt” of annoyance. Followed closely by Titus and less closely by Dick and Jason, the boys tottered off to their rooms. Jason did too, probably to read rather than sleep, but Dick followed him in. Turning around lazily and spotting his brother, Jason gave Dick a glare that plainly said he wanted to be left alone. In response Dick walked over and plopped himself down on Jason's bed stubbornly. Jason rolled his eyes, though Dick couldn't see it. “Really Dickiebird, you're going to prevent your poor injured brother from getting any sleep?” Dick raised an eyebrow. “And you were actually thinking of sleeping were you?” Jason folded his arms. “Maybe. Look Dick, whatever's on your mind, it's obvious you aren’t gonna leave me alone until you say it. So spit it out.” Dick sighed and gazed at Jason coolly. “Do you remember how that battle yesterday ended?” Jason frowned and cocked his head to one side. “I- a little.” Dick looked unconvinced. “Really? Tell me about it then?” “I said a little, Dick, meaning the details are kinda fuzzy.” “Fair enough, but what do you remember?” Dick pressed. “I don't see why it matters.” “You're avoiding the question.” Taking a few steps back, Jason leaned against the wall and contemplated Dick. “No, I'm not. You're asking questions and so am I. It's only fair. Seriously, what are you so worried about?” Biting his lip, Dick forced himself to meet Jason's eyes, despite the sunglasses. “Fine. Yesterday, you saved us. Me and Tim and Damian and Sora that is. But there was something wrong with you. It was like you let your darkness take over.” Dick paused, but Jason said nothing, so he continued. “You were covered in the stuff, and you were being really violent. You nearly killed all those cloaked guys.” “They damn well deserved it.” Jason mumbled. “Jay, we were trying to talk to you but you weren’t listening. It was like you were an entirely different person. And when I went to hug you, you know, to get that darkness out of your system, you wouldn't let me. Even when you passed out, you pushed me away.” Dick looked troubled, and Jason was only now realizing that this was at least part of what had been bothering him when he had found Dick on the chandelier. He hadn't realized that his actions the other day had been so traumatic. “So your point is?” Jason questioned. But he was pretty sure he knew the answer, and he did not like it. “Bruce... Bruce told me that you said you were talking with that darkness inside you.” Dick said, his fingers clenching the bed sheets he was sitting on tightly. “He said you made a deal with it or something, that you wouldn't push it away anymore.” “Bruce and his big mouth.” Jason groaned. Dick jumped at his opportunity. “So it's true then! You did make a deal!” “Look, Dick, this really isn't any of your concern, and I would like you to kindly mind your own business okay?” Dick ignored him. “Jason, do you know how worried we've been since we saw you all covered in darkness?” Jason was surprised to see real fear in his brother’s face. “You obviously don't remember, but we all saw you. You know that knife wound in your back? And those bullets in your arm? You didn't even notice them. You pushed yourself way, way too far out there. It's like you didn't care how hurt you got!” Jason had had enough of playing dumb. “Think Dick!” He growled throwing up his hands. “There was a reason I fought so hard yesterday. If you don't really remember, everyone was seriously injured, and surrounded by bloodthirsty power crazy villains. I had an choice between dying with the rest of you, or fighting to protect everyone, to live another day. I chose to fight! And it's a good thing I did too or we would probably all be dead!” Dick paused for a second thinking. “So... you made a deal with that darkness to save us?” This seemed to upset him and he was no longer meeting his brother’s gaze. “Yes, I did.” Jason ground out. “And I don't even know why I am justifying myself to you.” Taking a long drawn out breath, Dick steeled himself for what he was going to say next. “Jason, I know we are all extremely grateful for what you did the other day, but...” He flinched as his brother’s fiery glare intensified. “I don't think you should keep whatever deal you made with this darkness of yours. It… it can't be healthy. Have you seen your skin? And I have a feeling those sunglasses aren’t for show. Jay, let me take that darkness away. Please?” A tense silence followed Dick’s words and seemed to suffocate both of them. “Listen to me Dick.” Jason said softly. “This thing that I am dealing with, it was my choice, not yours or Bruce’s or anyone’s. I know what I did, and I understand the repercussions. I get where you're coming from, but I can deal with this on my own.” “Jason” Dick said crossly. “You have never been one for thinking things through.” “That doesn't mean I can't!” Suddenly Dick stood up, agitation clear in his body language. “But I don't think you are thinking Jason!” He said, voice rising. “This is darkness you are letting take over your body. What if it hurts you! What if it takes control like it did the other day and hurts Tim, or Damian?” Jason felt a fleeting spark of amusement at how Dick hadn't included his own name in the list. “You're playing with fire, Jay. And you have a way out if you just let me help!” “It isn't that easy Dick.” Jason said. He was surprised and impressed that he was able to keep his cool so well in this little argument so far. Not so long ago, this would have turned into a fist fight five minutes ago. “You guys don't understand what I did. Breaking a deal with a dark being that is part of you, that might not have very pleasant side effects! Did you think of that?” Dick froze from where he was now pacing, because no, he hadn't. “What exactly was this deal Jay?” “Doesn't matter.” “Obviously it does!” Dick said exasperatedly. “Jesus Dick, you're acting as bad as Bruce. Why can't you just trust me to take care of things? It's my problem, I'll deal with it!” “And it's partly my fault you’re in it!” Dick shouted unexpectedly. Jason looked up surprised. Guilt was written all over Dick’s face. He sighed. This was Dick he was talking to, he shouldn't be surprised. “Grayson you idiot. None of this is your fault. My darkness, my choice, my problem.” Dick was now running a hand through his hair in a way that reminded Jason way too much of Bruce. “If I had stayed nearer to you, I could have stopped it from taking over, I could have prevented it!” Jason felt like banging his head against a well. “Are you kidding me Dick? There was absolutely no way you could have done that. We were fighting to protect the hostages remember. And there was smoke everywhere, and the whole damn place was utter chaos. You should be happy you’re still here, not guilty about preventing something you could have never known about.” Besides, if my darkness didn't step in I don't think either of us would be here to have this little chat. Jason thought the last part, but he believed every word wholeheartedly. He hated to admit it, but he owed his darkness the promise he gave it. Besides, he could live with the side effects. Maybe he and his darkness would have another little discussion about them later. Dick felt extremely conflicted as he studied his brother’s face. Jason really didn't blame him for what happened. What's more he was completely determined to keep whatever deal he made with his darkness. This conversation really wasn't going as planned. “Look Jason, can we just-” “Nope.” “But what if-” “Nope.” Dick stared up at the ceiling in an attempt to master his frustration. Jason took the opportunity to walk the few steps over to his brother. Placing his hand on Dick’s shoulder –merely to get the point across that Jason wasn't avoiding him – he said carefully, “Dick. Trust me.” Jason waited until Dick’s worried eyes finally met his determined ones, showing at least a sliver of understanding. Then with one fluid motion, he bent over and picked up a pillow, smacking his brother across the face with it. “Now get out of my room Dickhead, before my remaining patience wears off.” It was obvious that Dick wanted to say more as he backed away from Jason and his makeshift weapon, but before he got the chance, a sound came from out in the hallway that made their blood run cold. “Good heavens. Master Jason? You shouldn't be out of bed.” Both of them stiffened and slowly turned towards the still-open door. Alfred was standing in the doorway, a disapproving frown tugging at his mouth, a tray full of medical supplies in one hand. He clearly did not approve of his charge being out of bed. Just as he was about to hand down his sentence, Jason quickly blurted out, “Alfred, Dick’s disrupting my rest!” It was kind of true. Alfred didn’t believe it for a moment. Even if Jason's accusation was true, the electrodes and IV would still be attached to his skin, and the EKG would still be on. Dick knew better than to unhook a patient without express permission. Besides, Jason was wearing a sweatshirt, which he only would have needed if he was wandering the manor. The bed was plenty warm. He didn’t know how his young charge had thought that excuse would work; he wasn’t the butler to the World’s Greatest Detective for nothing. He conveyed all of this with a single raised eyebrow. The boys winced. Jason dived for his blankets, as if going back to bed would erase the sin of being out of it, while Dick carefully sidestepped around Alfred. As soon as he was out the door, he bolted, back to his room. If he knew what was good for him, he would be back in bed and sleeping by the time Alfred finished with Jason. Sighing a long suffering sigh, he walked to the bed. Jason had wisely removed his sweatshirt, although he kept his sunglasses on. Alfred busied himself with changing his bandages, hoping that when Sora finally woke up, he would be able to get at the rest of the damage he hadn’t been able to heal. It saddened him to see that the marks that had decorated Jason’s skin hours ago were still there, albeit so faint as to almost be invisible. As he finished up, he noticed that Jason hadn’t eaten all the cookies he had left out. Probably saving them for later. He packed up his tray and left without a word. Although, a small smile did grace his features at the groan Jason let out when he realized that Alfred had taken the baked goods with him. He disposed of the medical contents of the tray, but kept the cookies in case the other boys had been good. Damian’s blankets had been disturbed in a way that is only possible if he had gotten out of bed. Tim’s desk showed sign of recent use, and if the mug on his nightstand was anything to go by, he probably hadn’t slept since he had returned home. As for Dick, well, he had already noticed that some of the crystals on the chandelier were askew. Perhaps Sora would like some treats. ~*~ Pulling his communicator, Dick quickly buzzed Tim’s line. “Tim? You still awake?” Blearily, Tim answered. “Barely. I was just getting to sleep. What’s up? That thing with Jason still bothering you?” Dick smiled. Leave it to Tim. He knew Dick wouldn’t have called him if it wasn’t important, and the most important thing, now that Xehanort and his buddies were off world, was Jason. “You know it. He seems insistent that he needs to keep his deal.” Quickly filling Tim in on the argument, he continued, “I just don’t know if what he’s doing is right. He mentioned that removing the darkness at this stage might make things worse, but he doesn’t have to live with it! If he would just talk to us, we could figure out something to help him!” “I understand why you’re worried Dick, but there’s not much we can do while Jason isn’t cooperating. I mean, we could strap him down to a table and you could go from there, but he’d never forgive us.” A sigh came down the line. “We’ll just have to wait.” “But wait for what Tim? For it to be too late? Because we’ve gone down that road before.” Inwardly, he winced. Bringing up Jason’s death in any way was painful. Using it as a comparison to what was happening with Jason now was unbearable. “Not that long!” Tim said quickly, “Just until he realizes he needs help. You never know, something might happen that makes him realize that he can’t live with this.” Dick was about to reply when a polite cough sounded from his door. Somehow, Alfred had gotten the door open without Dick noticing. “Really now Master Dick, first you disturb Master Jason’s rest, and now Master Tim’s?” Dick was speechless. He’d gotten in trouble with Alfred twice in one day. With all the British-ness the butler could muster, he plucked the communicator out of Dick’s hand and pushed on his chest until he was lying down. Then, he pulled his covers up to his chin. Dick properly tucked in, the butler crossed to the window, drawing the curtains. Before he left the room, he half-turned back to Dick, and said, “When you’re feeling better, we shall have to have a chat about the appropriate use of markers.”