Gosh it disturbs to see you The Fuk, looking so down in the dumps. Everyone here would love to be you The Fuk, even when taking your lumps. There's no member in KHV as admired as you, you're everyone's favorite guy! Everyone's awed and inspired by you, and it's not, very hard, to seee whyyyyyyy... Nooooooooooone's slick as The Fuk, noone's quick as The Fuk, noone- -SHOT- Okay, I shaddup.
I've been getting a lot of recommendations to try out the Shadow Hearts series lately. Which of the three should I pick up? And would someone who usually doesn't like the turn-based combat system care for it?
1. Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door: The Dumbo of video games. The Citizen Kane of video games. Flawless, a masterpiece, the greatest video game of all time. Perfect story (which perfectly balances comedy and drama without having a mood whiplash), cast, enviroments, gameplay, music (the only exception being the repetitive music during any casual non-boss battle), and is overall "epic" but unpretentious. If every video game was being burned off the face of the earth, and I could only save one, it'd be this one. Oh, and Vivian is the greatest video game character of all time. The rest, I can never decide nor rank. I can only list off random favorites (Rayman 2, Sly 2&3, Sonic Hedgehog 2).
It really depends. Some stories work better as video games than movies, than sometimes it's the other way around. Though, really, the only two games that ever had me respond emotionally were Kingdom Hearts 2 (when Donald & Goofy glomped Sora at the end), and pretty much every emotional scene in Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door.
My Life as a Teenage Robot. It does (there are more bad episodes than good) kinda suck, but, I have an unhealthy obsession with the characters (Jenny, Sheldon particularly). The cast just wasn't being handled the way they deserved to (the show ignored character development in favor of juvenile humor).
Maybe add Kefka, that's all that comes to mind. But then, since we saw how KH handled Seifer and the rest (and, well, KH pretty much flanderizes the characters in general), maybe not.
http://kaseykockroach.deviantart.com/#/d2uk0r0 My favorite cartoon character, my favorite video game character. No, not a crack pairing. XD
How, despite that the entire universe is at peril, Sora finds time to sing with Ariel. And how we're supposed to care more about Sora than Donald. If Sora doesn't find his friends, aw gee, he won't have a hot chick or emo boy to play with. If Donald doesn't find Mickey, his entire kingdom will sink. And, how much of an irratating idiot Sora is (WOAH ITS DOING SOMETHING, that pathetic moment where he bows to Saix). And just how pathetically they handled Pirates of the Carribean. And how boring the villains are (they do nothing but stand around and look cool). Or how the combat is nothing but mashing the X button over and over (you can beat the game with your eyes closed, just keep press X and triangle). And how flanderized Donald & Goofy are.
I've had more than enough of this wasteland. Obviously, a lot of people here are incapable of using that thing inside their head commonly referred to as a "brain" (and no, I'm not just referring to the Satanist thread). Plus, this forum just isn't fun anymore. None of the good guys are ever online (from what I've seen lately, anyway) anymore. Had some good times here (hey, I have 600 posts here, so SOME times had to be good in some way). Found my first and last girlfriend, was able to import KH2FM thanks to this place (back when I actually liked KH2FM, but even now, kicking Terra's ass is a blast), met some some darn good people here (CTR, Repliku, DPWolf, Brad, Katsquatch, Thoraxe). But, that's all this place is now. Just good memories. So long, folks! I'll remember you all on therapy!
Alright, I've had enough. What is the point of this thread? Have you guys really been debating the differences between atheism and satanism for eight pages? I'll repeat this just once more. ATHEISTS AND SATANISTS ARE NOT THE EXACT SAME THING, ONLY ONE TRIES TO DO MAGIC. I can't believe I have to type that, but that's how low this forum's gotten lately. And I thought KHInsider was full of imbeciles (still is, but sheesh). Sometimes I feel like I just ate at Taco Bell reading this stuff.
H-h-h-holy crud, there IS a God.... O.o *Pants* Well, goddess, at least. http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/ind...dID=392273702&albumID=161183&imageID=33473094 (WARNING: CRAPPY WEBCAM PICTURE).
What IS it with malls on New Year's Eve? I went through a similar trauma at the mall I go to that night (I'd rather not talk about it). But, this is just mind-boggling.
No wonder every other country hates us. We do stuff like this, and still consider ourselves the greatest country in the world.
You think they made the floor fragile and unstable on purpose, so that this occurs, thus the fat folks would become more determined to lose weight? Could be just an act for all I know. :D
Avatar leaves me depressed too, if only because such a bad movie received such overwhelmingly good response (almost as depressing as that Chipmunks movie being a hit). Ya don't see me putting a gun to my head. Seriously though folks (THANK YOU, THANK YOU, I'LL BE HERE ALL NIGHT), it's obvious these people had issues to begin with, and this movie was either the straw that broke the camel's back, or just an excuse to get some attention before they go kill themselves.
You just said it. One tries to do magic. Therefore, they are NOT the exact same thing. If Satanism and Atheism are the exact same thing, why have them seperated in two different terms? Yes, they're different forms of every religion, but how do you expect to not be a called a Satan-worshipper, and have people NOT think you believe in Satan in any way, when it's called SATANism? If you believe in that humanity stuff, why is called SATANism? When one sees that term, it's understandable that they think Satan is obviously involved somewhere. (P.S, Xeitr, where the heck did you get that nightmare fueling avatar? :D).
How about you watch the Courage the Cowardly Dog episode "Big Stinkin City", skipping to the violin girl scene? =-D