From what I read, they were originally planning to have Alan's assistant stay dead, but apparently test audiences liked him...Why, I'm not certain.
I am a guy, thus why I said contrary to popular belief. :p (As because my username's KASEYkockroach, folks assume I'm a girl. Because Kasey's obviously my real name, and it's always a girl's name, right?).
I hate it when I'm trying to watch a video on the internet and an obnoxious, unstoppable ad has to play before it. When people sing along with songs in the car...I'm looking at YOU, poppa. When people use netspeak. When people post things like "My cat died!" so they can have a pity party.
I'm not a girl gamer (contrary to popular belief), but my mom plays video games far more than I do (she can't go a single day without playing Left 4 Dead, or forcing me to play Conker's Bad Fur Day for her to watch). The most beautiful song in the entire world. Merry christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Jolly Kwanzaa, and whatever the hell Satanists celebrate!
The "heroes" are basically responsible for every death on the island, what with Vince Vaughn's character taking out the darts meant for the T-rex, IIRC. Plus, they free the captured dinosaurs from their rightful owners so they can live in their "natural" habitats - despite the fact that the dinosaurs were created by unnatural means, and shouldn't be around anymore in the first place. I can't believe I got someone to do this.
Can I be Tiny Tim? :D
What character in a horror movie doesn't? ;) This is so cute, it's just plain evil. I would so buy a hot dog from her.
Kaseythecockroach, of course, silly child. XP I added youse already
Well then, get on Yahoo, I prefer instantaneous contact. XP I ish doing okay, just doing evil things (drawing BlossomxTails stuff).
Why would ya'll wanna go and add little ol' me as a friend? I know I'm sexy, but I'm curious XP
.......Whut peekter of Saunik?
(Actually, Tails is eight, so no, he isn't). As a character, Tails is similar to Blossom's 'Hero' persona. Although he's following behind Sonic more often than not, it's clear that he wants to be himself, his own hero, and wants to be recognized and praised like his idol. Take Sonic Adventure for example, when Tails saves the city from Eggman's missile and is rewarded by Station Square with the chaos emerald. He has the capacity to pull off his own adventure. So why doesn't he go off and attempt other things by himself? Well, quite simply he and Sonic are a team. When called for, Tails can stand on his own, but in dealing with a large-scale threat he realizes it's better if you don't fight alone. But it's almost as if he's trapped in just helping Sonic constantly. He IS his own person but feels like he's just 'Sonic's friend'. His theme songs are pretty clear about this. He wants to be recognized as an individual but doesn't really have the confidence to do it. Blossom's charismatic leadership and level-headed guidance could help Tails realize that even though he's part of a team, he's just as important as his friends. This confidence boost could spark into a desire to fight more of his own battles, and not to rely on Sonic as much, or be forced to stay in his friend's shadow. Equally, Blossom is a teacher, and the opportunity to help someone better themselves is one she wouldn't pass up. Besides, most of the best romances start with friendship. And both being children, there'd be nothing passionate, just perfectly innocent adorableness. They can be two geeks in love and be friends at the same time. So, there is SOME logic to my madness.
But, he's the best character on the show! He's better the salami and the bologna combined!
Does that mean I can enslave humanity and cheese now? Just askin.
This vid ALWAYS cheers me up.
I hate weasels. I like baboons more.