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  1. kaseykockroach
    Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990) and Son of Paleface (1953) are probably the greatest sequels ever made.
    Post by: kaseykockroach, Aug 15, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  2. kaseykockroach
    For me to really like a film, it has to stick with me; it can't just be an enjoyable time waster. I consider those wastes of time that I could have spent watching better movies. Rise of plays out precisely as you'd expect from the trailer; nothing really surprising about it in any regard.
    There are no human characters; just plot devices. Some of them are completely unnecessary other than to fulfill token roles, e.g. love interest. The reprise of the "damn dirty ape" line seemed kind of forced... not that it didn't fit in the context; I just can't see the character who said it speaking in that fashion. And it's important to remember that, like many iconic lines, the line is iconic not for the words itself, but for the context in which it appeared. Remove that context and it's just another throwback. I also felt that the plague was set up well enough as it was and the during-credits sequence sort of ruined its elegant semi-minimalism. You already know what's going to happen to the humans.

    At the beginning of the film, Bright Eyes is killed thanks to her aggressiveness and it turns out she was just being motherly and protecting Li'l Caesar. From that point, I had a general idea how the rest of the movie would go: Will would take Caesar home and raise him, the film would develop sympathy for Caesar in a Kong-like (or, if you prefer, Mighty Joe Young-like) fashion, some jerk the audience is supposed to hate would provoke Caesar to attack him and Caesar would be taken away for his violent behavior, Caesar would be mistreated by his new caretaker and would lead an ape rebellion against the humans.

    The introduction of Will's father Charles was interesting, but as soon as Will gave him the drug I knew he'd go through a truncated Flowers for Algernon arc that would end in his death.

    The climatic ape rampage gave me a few laughs, so it's nothing terrible. I'm not dissatisfied, since my expectations were met exactly, but I'm not rushing to watch it again.
    Post by: kaseykockroach, Aug 15, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  3. kaseykockroach
    Rank your top five favorite songs from Disney films.

    5. The Headless Horseman Song-

    4. I'm Odd-

    3. Three Caballeros-

    2. I Bring You a Song-

    1. When I See an Elephant Fly-
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Jun 17, 2011, 21 replies, in forum: Disney Galaxy
  4. kaseykockroach

    Super 8

    An entertaining but forgettable hurricane of cliches and rehashes.
    Yes, we get it. The main character's mother is dead. Please stop milking that every ten minutes. And enough of the 'jump scares'. It's annoying, not scary.
    It captures of the feel of those 80's movies as intended, but nothing else, no substance. There's no vision or point of view behind it, no personality to the setting, characters or story. It practically feels more like a rip-off than an homage. Just put The Goonies, Explorers, E.T and Cloverfield in a blender, and you get this thing. You're better off just watching the first two movies.
    I will say this, though: That 'film' during the credits was EPIC. Totally worth it just for that.
    Post by: kaseykockroach, Jun 17, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  5. kaseykockroach
    ....What the bloody hell?
    Post by: kaseykockroach, May 29, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  6. kaseykockroach
    To be more specific, which directors put out your favorite films? In no particular order:
    Alfred Hitchcock (North by Northwest, Psycho, The Birds)
    Billy Wilder (Some Like it Hot, The Apartment)
    Mel Brooks (Blazing Saddles, The Producers)
    Frank Tashlin (Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter, The Girl Can't Help It)
    Joe Dante (Gremlins 1&2, The Howling, Explorers)
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, May 23, 2011, 12 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  7. kaseykockroach
    No one's creeped out by my confession? Fine, here's another...

    Gremlins 2: The New Batch is my favorite movie of all time. And keep in mind, I've seen Citizen Kane.
    Post by: kaseykockroach, May 21, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. kaseykockroach
    I like bondage

    *Grins devilishly.
    Post by: kaseykockroach, May 20, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. kaseykockroach
    So, what are you guys gonna do that day? If the weather's good, I'm going to Six Flags. If not, I'm staying in to watch Deadly Spawn.
    Post by: kaseykockroach, May 20, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. kaseykockroach
    "The world will end tomorrow!"
    "Nonsense. It's already tomorrow in New Zealand."
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, May 20, 2011, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. kaseykockroach
    If it weren't for the aspect of being able to slay monsters alongside my favorite cartoon character, I would've sold the games a long time ago.
    P.S, Patman's post is epic win.
    Post by: kaseykockroach, May 11, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. kaseykockroach
    I was joking about all the others, except Little Mermaid. Not so much it should've ended like that vid, so much ended like the original fairy tale. *grins*
    Post by: kaseykockroach, May 5, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. kaseykockroach
  14. kaseykockroach
    Dragged into it a week ago with pop.
    It's one of those movies that's bad, but it's a forgettable bad that leaves no impact, you just leave the theatre sadly thinking up better things you could've done with those precious two hours now wasted. Most of the acting's dull, the main character's more annoying than sympathetic (his whining about wanting to call his daddy coming off as Skywalker-esque at some points), and then there's the lame tacked-on happy, romantic ending (made even worse by how the actor and actress had NO chemistry). I was consistently bored throughout.
    Still, something tells me and my dad are going to quote this movie quite often. "Everything's gonna be okay *KABOOOM!*", "I took your advice. It was very good advice". =p
    Post by: kaseykockroach, Apr 18, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  15. kaseykockroach
    None of them are very good on the whole, but Cars is pretty much on par with anything Dreamworks would do, while after the fiftieth recitation of "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLEEEEE!!! EEEEVVVVVAAAAAAAAAAAAA!", I had enough of Wall-E. Gotta love the contrived and convenient happy ending too. And I'm sure everyone died trying to plant pizza plants.
    Post by: kaseykockroach, Apr 18, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  16. kaseykockroach
    Who told these people they could draw? That is the worst official drawing of a Pooh character ever. Animation looks terrible too, relying way too much on overacting, using the same twinned gesture over and over. Once again, Eric Goldberg is wasted.
    Post by: kaseykockroach, Apr 11, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  17. kaseykockroach
    Tom & Jerry is, for me, the animated equivalent of The Three Stooges. About two dozen shorts qualify as masterpieces, the rest I can live without ever seeing again. Hanna-Barbera could have made the series interesting but they chose not to. Most of the shorts after the late 40s are just the crew collecting a paycheck, save the occasional title.
    With the Road Runner series, the whole joke was that the Coyote was stuck in a universe of humiliation, doomed to chase his prey forever. There's no hint of irony like that in Tom & Jerry - just a lot of noise. That said, the violence is indeed quite beautiful. 3:49.
    Post by: kaseykockroach, Apr 11, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  18. kaseykockroach
    I like Mlaatr more for what it could've been rather than for what it is, so you can hate all you wish. xD
    Post by: kaseykockroach, Apr 11, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  19. kaseykockroach
    Rayman 2- Rayman freeing the slaves, as well as the ending....
    ...I was a little kid, shaddup.
    Post by: kaseykockroach, Apr 11, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  20. kaseykockroach
    Ren & Stimpy
    Rocko's Modern Life

    Everything else
    Post by: kaseykockroach, Mar 20, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media