Oh I see, you like them weepy types. Never a dry- er, I mean dull, moment there. I call dibs on that big buff lobster dude. He's like, the coolest dude in town. B|
Just be careful not to crack her glass top. Murder is frowned upon, even in undersea societies. n_n
No wai, Patrick ftw >:
What an odd form of game amusement.
What on earth is that? I've never even heard of it. xD
Surely you exaggerate. Yes...anywho. ._.
Oh gosh. xD Nay, I haven't seen her on in a few days. Xp And sorry, I don't know who/what that is. ._.;
Why thank you. Just how I roll I suppose. :d And another camera bites the dust, amiright? ;D jk jk Most people don't like their own appearance. Especially when school pictures come around. "OMG I am so hiddious!" "Look at that fugly beast! Wait no no no, don't look, it's too shameful D; " and other such lovely statements. :3 xD!
I see... Well, it doesn't make much difference to me. It all just goes to waist on me in my opinion. x_x Whatev~
Bye crono. Later man. >>
Lol. So I've been told... .~. It doesn't really matter though. Xp
Yes I suppose hotness can make one see passed a four year age gap. n_n xD
Meh, I wouldn't worry too much about it. As a freshman I don't remember ever having a problem with the upperclassmen. Except of course for the occasional few who'd hit on me. <__> What the heck? Age difference much?! Dx
I used to be a pretty big fan of her when I was younger, but I suppose somewhere along the line I had a falling out with her. I've never really hated Britney, perhaps a bit of disapproval, but that's probably the extent of it. I like most of her older songs since they're a part of my childhood, even some of her new songs are pretty decent. I'll never be crazy about her like I used to be, but like I said, I don't not like her.
Most used summon: Chicken Little. Why?: He's the first summon on the list. xD I actually don't like using summons, but for some reason I did feel the need to level them up.
KH1: 2.5 (In the middle of a game right now) KH: CoM: .5 (Younger sibling lost my game -.-) KH2: 2 That's the number of times I've played and saved the games, though often times I did find myself playing for my siblings since the battles were "too hard" or something.
I love The Beatles. I was pretty much raised on them though so that's probably why. I have several favorites but Hey Jude and Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds are two I like especially. In addition to their songs I also love the Yellow Submarine movie. Across the Universe too, but of course that's only their songs.
xD Alright, bye.
They shall simply adore you. x] Have fun Freshman Friday~
Perhaps you should use that as something to look forward to in setting a goal to pass geometry. xD