Dang this sucks. My iPod is on its last sliver of power, and my dad went and lost my USB cord for it the other day. <__> I wonder how long I can make it last.
Aw, that's totally cute. :3
Well, Panic! At The Disco for starters. << Aside from that my favorites are 1997, Daft Punk, Boys Like Girls, Shinedown, Coheed & Cambria, The Beatles, and Saving Boy Wonder. Those are pretty much the main ones, and they aren't in any particular order.
Name: Meagan Username: Nobody's Shadow Age: 18 Gender: Female People who you want to e-pal with: I haven't a preference.
Mine: Well that's rather accurate indeed. Or at least for the most part.
<< >> *Bites you*
Meaning I'm not going to be all nosy up in your business. :] ^ Ouch Dx
So confused... x_x But I shan't pry!
One of the newer members has the same dude in their avatar. But whatever. As I said, I still <3 my current one. :3
Be Aggressive ~ Powerspace
There is one I kind of want to change it to, but it has Alexandre Evans in it and there is already an active member who has him in their avy. ;~; Oh well, I'll just wait it out a bit longer perhaps.
I've had this one since about... um October I think. o.o; Six months with the same avatar, dude, what the heck is my problem?! Dx I just <3 it so much. ._________.
Well that's unfortunate. >: But still, no killing yourself! I think I need a new avy... >>;
10769 . AM I COOL YET?! D:
Don't kill yourself. .~.
Growing hair is so time-consuming. <__> I know what you mean about the parent thing though. Children's hair is one of the last few things they tend cling to as they slowly watch them grow out of the grasp of their control... .__. At least that's what I've noticed. But mommy said yes so GO GO GO!
Yep, red hair is red. Emo hair on guys is pretty much irresistible in my opinion. :d I'd say go for it, but that's just me. But frying your hair is fun! D: Lol, hi mom.
Like srsly. xD I really want to get my hair cut so I could do my hair all awesome like that, but I doubt I could ever pull it off. Xp I'd never dye my hair though, at the very least I'm happy with it's color. :]
I saw this chick at the mall the other day with the coolest hair. It was all midnight blue and teased up an such. So jealous. ;~;
So true. I don't see why people dislike that image so much. It's like, gosh, just look at them. xD;