If you could remove the blank white frames that might be helpful. It would probably give it a much smother feel of transition.
No more emo/bear? ;3;
I take it that's your master gif. Lol. I have the same birthday as my mom.
It's Saint's birthday... << I'm slow. And I have sounds stuck in my head too. Just not cute ones like that. Xp
Tisk tisk no rep talk. >: *Such a hypocrite* Omg it finally says I'll be famous soon enough. ;~; Homework is Laaaaaame.
I try my best. :d
Or pikachu with a cold...
And that was effective? xD A train perhaps? o:
Lucky. I have gimp downloaded, but I've never been able to figure out how to use it properly. It just kept quitting itself on me. x_x
Oh okay. xD Btw, I lol'd since someone made a very similar remark to me earlier today about having a face.
Apparently I have a face....
That's horrible. D: But at least you didn't have to get it redone today. Lack of blood would probably make you pass out. Negative.
Yeah, that place was definitely my favorite scenery-wise. :] Yes and thank you. Xp
...Political power? I dunno I can't think right now.
C'mon, what better way to welcome a new family member than to... eat her title. 6_6 Welcome to the fam Pop-Tart Sister! ;P
I'm pretty sure you can circle the earth several times traveling that kind of distance. xD But even still, too far is too far. I'll probably just bum one off a friend from school. :d Ew, homework. *Procrastinating atm* Lol, I ate a poptart a few minutes ago. <<
I lied, it was actually onions. <__> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfPJeDssBOM This is what I was thinking of. Waaay to complicated for me to bother. Plus I would still need the USB cord. D:
So confused. x_x Hmm, I've heard citrus fruits have been proven able to charge iPods. But on second thought that just sounds like one massively bad and messy idea. xD
Pictures from my trip to Spain & France! :D Awesome street performers in Madrid Madrid behind me (Ignore messy hair <__>) Random parachuter in Toledo My friend and I in Toledo Amazing flamenco dancer that can't be properly seen due to blurriness Pretty much the coolest trees ever (In Burgos) Me in front of Eiffel Tower (Standard tourist pic :P) Eiffel Tower at night Lol
Nah, I've tried that before and when I turned it back on it was just... more dead. xD