Fun fact: Most people experience bisexual thoughts at some point in their life. *3*
Well I already had it hidden so not much difference for me. But I definitely won't complain about more forum space.
Good move. o.o
In my childhood I had the typical in the basement and under the bed monsters. Oh, and there was also a few stationed inside the posters on my wall.
Amazing way of putting it. xD
It really depends on how dire the situation was. If your mother felt you were about to do something drastic right there and then, then hospitalization of any sort would have been the best option. Other then that I would recommend some sort of therapy or counseling. Also, being in a depressed mood and clinical depression shouldn't be confused with one another. Clinical depression is an actual mental illness that can consume a person's entire life and really can't be fixed by just trying harder. Usually the best way to help it is therapy and medication. Being in a depressed mood however is more temporary. Usually in those cases a person will feel better in a short while or once they get out of that mindset.
Bye DestinyStar! D: Haha, Demitryx mentioned hitting on male nurses and conversation ensued from there. But I mean honestly, who could resist?! x3
1. Beauty and the Beast 2. Aladdin 3. The Lion King 4. Mulan 5. The Little Mermaid
I know really. xD Off the top of my head there was allergies, RPing, male nurses, and being noobish on the site. *Throws DestinyStar a going away party* :3 Edit: Lol, hot male nurses.~<3
Hi! :3 You missed... haha, I dunno what you missed. xD
I loved watching this movie. Especially the very ending, it was so intense and nerve-racking.
I know what you mean. Gahhh! But I don't care, I love this sight so much. x3
I can't wait till I'm a nurse, those guys will be something to look forward to. :d I only post in the SZ sometimes, and usually I have to force myself to do so. I hardly know what to say to most of the people on this site half the time. <__>
They do so many odd things in hospitals. Inducing seizures, drunkenness, etc. xD Hot 25 year old male nurses... yummy. ;3 x'D
I didn't cry at either of their deaths, but the two of them were the Org. members I felt worst for 'passing on,' or whatever you wish to call it.
I just have those sucky airborne allergies, such as pollen and pet dander. I would hate being allergic to alcohol. o.o There has been such a drop in member's lately it's become difficult to separate the true departure threads from the temporary ones at first glance. xD Reminiscent is like thinking back to the past. I was remembering when you first sent me a PM about Anime High. :3 Sorry about not keeping up with that by the way. It just got so fast paced and I couldn't keep up with it. Dx
I love this book. I read it once just for the sake of it and then once for an independent assignment. I suppose I like it because the story and characters are so well developed.
Quite lousy actually. Dang allergies! >: You did! D: I started getting all reminiscent and everything. xD
Misty is rad. Therefore she gets my vote.