oh hey! i did the same exact thing yesterday
no, it makes u pure minded my friend
what the hell r u talking about? get a life
no but i remember when i phucked u in the back of my car
oh plz i eat purses for breakfast
u came here cus u have a dirty mind!!! The real topic is fettucini alfredo
oo im so scawddddd
no im a boy damn it! i just sed boobs to b random
yay!!!! thank
Do u believe in love at first sight y or y not?
excuse me. it was true. Jeez, just cus i spam and make immature remarks sometimes doesnt mean im tht way all the time
last time i was on laughing gas... i think my dentist sexualy molested me. I told my mom but she didnt believe me
i dont get it
not a bad idea... but i think ill stay a little longer :)
I'll bring a date... and order hot dogs
i dare u to suck my boobs
*whip* :locked2:
yayyyyyyyyyyy ooo ya