good grammer stinky.... by the way: "i is a little boy" is not proper grammer. hypocrite
any thoughts????
how about NO im on the internet, i use slang tyvm. WELCOME 2 AMERICA
u dont understand english do u? all u can say is 'No'. well thts ashame... learn some english!!! we're in america!!!
u always say no... party pooper
ehh ur thinking too logically... go deeper! have an imagination. Sometimes things can seem like bull, or unreal because they're amazing... but in life... things dont always have to make sense.
good one...
ur so stubborn... jeez im just tryin to make some friends
Here's a good trick! Take a glass of water, fill up ur mouth with the water (dont swallow yet!), then bend over while holdng ur nose and swallow the water. it always works for me!
YES is a beautiful word
batteries lalala go on ask yahoo... they have all the answers :) or get an expert or look in ur mauel tht came wit the computer
here's my oppionion: I believe tht there is someone for everyone. There is one true love for everyone. Therefore i believe in love at first sight... i believe this because, the first time u see this person, u fall for them... not just because of lust but because u have this great feeling inside of u... a feeling tht means u r meant to be with this person. Someone, something is leading u to this person... and the reason is to be together forever in happiness and love. U ppl r thinking too logically
yo yo yo hommmeeeeey
even though i've been here for years i thought i'd introduce myself now. Cus i nvr did. Ok here i go: Well i'm a wild thang bye
so am i... i'm also gay. but does tht matter? nope
welcome to hell... dont read the rules and have an awful time. thx bye
no u dont... u love me baby
he drew them two having sex
eat cake fat ass
yummmyyyy lookin gooood