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  1. zexionXienzo6
    lol that would b funny if this guy was fat and was just tryin to make himself feel better... i bet he is indeed obease.
    or mentally disabled either way i hope this is a joke cus seriously that was just plain cold
    Post by: zexionXienzo6, Oct 14, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. zexionXienzo6
    lol my friend's a big fan of micheal myers!
    I'm bein an alien :D
    i got i pretty creepy mask 2 :D
    Post by: zexionXienzo6, Oct 14, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. zexionXienzo6


    hey hey hello :D
    this is just me and my curiousness (if that's a word) but does anyone beleive in that 2012 stuff?? if u have absolutley no idea wtf I'm talking about u can look it up or read a short sumary right here and now: apparently the worlds gonna end... or that's one theory. So Uhhh i was just curious on your thoughts... if u think it's crap or u really beleive it or if dont know what it is.
    My personal beleif is that it's all poopoo... i beleive we will still be living after2012... I mean people said the world would end in 2000 but no... it didn't. But who knows maybe it's true... I hope it's not.
    Thread by: zexionXienzo6, Oct 14, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone