More men coming from the oponsite direction. Luxek had walked into the hornets nest and now he was paying for it.
A group of guards showed up at the end of the hall and opened fire at the Nobody. DeFonce gave a sigh of relief when he heard the others shooting.
One of the guards threw a flash bang gurnade into the hallway. The bright light disapated the shadow and should have stunded the Nobody.
"If you leave the building that brace will exploded," DeFonce said raising his gun to fight the Nobody. The other guards stoped fireing waiting for the Nobody to come out into the open.
The two guards started shooting off rounds at the intruder. DeFonce got on the radio, "activate the brace's extended security." Glen's arm band beeped.
"I read that report, Xert was making an arrest and he was attacked after Alphonce refused to comply by a third party," DeFonce said trying to make sence of everything, "Xert has diplomatic imunity and the UN values him to much. We can't bring charges to him."
"But you must realise that both you and Alphonce have broken the law. We are only doing our jobs and it doesn't help were fighting people we can't win agiest. Heartless are one thing. But without magic we can't take people like you, and Xert won't teach anyone magic," DeFonce explained hearing the other rooms burst open. The two guards in the room looked fairly frightend as they took postions to defend the room.
Inspector DeFonce had bluffed he had no authority to shoot Glen. He glared at Glen and asked, "why are you an Alphonce fighting your own world?" "He's in the south hall," one of the monitor watchers said over the radio.
Metal walls came to block the main doors and windows. A voice came over the loud speaker and spoke in a diffrent language. Inspector DeFonce heard the voice over the loud speaker, "It seems someone is here to get you. Under UN docterine when dealing with high profile criminals we have the ability to execute you if we belive you are part of a much bigger threat. Now Glen unless you'd like to tell us who it is and how to fight them, then you can say your last prayer."
Wesely layed down to sleep for the night. DeFonce chuckled then shook his head, "You'll have to try alot harder than that for us to even consider taking off the ring. Now you where saying?"
"Could you elaborate on the "Nobody" further," DeFonce asked looking very interested. "Yeah... I'm just going to go to bed," Wesely said reaching his room.
"How do you know Xert," DeFonce asked nicely.
"yeah," Wesely muttered, he couldn't seem to look at Eden. He walked ahead and moved swiftly to his room so he could rest.
"Xert's guy isn't showing up till morning I can do research faster when I'm well rested," Wesely said, "I'm not to worried right now, besides we could use the rest."
Xert's ship started after the door closed. Wesely yawned, "can we go back to bed now?"
"Captain Nox is one of my best," Xert said leading them out of the Gummi. Wesely got out of the ship and waited for Eden.
Xert shook his head, "Eden I have to go. I'm due at the UN soon. A captain from my army is coming in the morning to help out, you can ask him all the questions you want."
"If used to much to fast magic will burn you from the insides out," Xert explained to Ededn. "Great one more thing to worry about," Wesely remarked.
"A powerful energy that your world isn't ready for," Xert said, "be careful with it no sence in burning yourself out to soon.
OC: I edited the post before and when I was done you had posted sorry. But use that as the reply