OC: Nox's OC sheet is in the OOC fourm There was a man sitting alone looking at the two unsure of something. He wasn't very old only twenty something. He had sort of a displiend air about him, he was a man who looked like he knew what he was doing and where he was going and had a plan for it all. His food already eaten just a glass of yellow juice next to him. "Ever think it's odd that orange juice isn't orange," Wesely asked as he grabed a cisimon roll from the rack, "oooh chocolet muffens."
The hotel had complemtary breakfast. "Eden it's normal to skim assignend reading but a book on your life that really says something about how you lived your life," Wesely joked although his words rung true even if he didn't know it.
OC: SH2 refrance Eden? "Rome," Wesely answered, "how did Xert get you back your memory, becaused I'd asked fora refund."
Wesley clicked the elevator button and waited with Eden. Wesely looked at Eden, "any ideas where the keyhole might be."
Wesely came out of his room right after she passed his door. "No need to, I'm ready. We should head downstairs to get our complemtary breakfast," Wesely said smiling, "I don't know about you but I'm starved."
Wesely threw on his clothes and was sure to hide his gun in his coat. He didn't really know Italian gun laws but he was pretty sure he wasn't suppose to have a gun. Last thing he needed was to be arrested for the possesion of illeagal firearms.
Eden's knocking broke Wesely's trance. He shouted, "give me five minutes." Wesely grabed a towl and dryed himself off getting all the drops of water off his skin.
Wesely stoped the water and didn't move, part of him didn't want to keep going. Part of him was arguing that he was going to get killed with this lot. The other part yelling about how he was part of something much bigger and was making a differance, but Wesely's greatest fear was death. He had been far to many funerals growning up and they had left their mark.
Username: Xert Name: Nox Gender: Male Age: 25 Appearance: Short black unrulely hair that comes to his ears, with emerald green eyes. He wears a red shirt with a black coat and a pair of blue jeans to help him blend in with the populace. He also carries around a red backpack (with a tad bit of magic in it) Weapon: magic mainly, but carries a sword inside his backpack aswell as guns. History: Oh you'll love when you find out
Wesely slouched out of bed not getting much rest that night. He was still thinking about so many things at once, he was starting to get a head ache. Wesely sighed as he went to the shower. It would be nice to be all clean again.
OC: we've wasted enough time waiting. Day came and Wesely was woken by a monster. An evil monster ment to destroy peace. Wesely slammed his hand down on his alarm clock to stop it from beeping at him. The monster had been defeated for now
OC: Welcome to war Nasele is a comander and Xert is the flat out leader to his own army. This isn't going to be as easy as the games. The whole point is that you'll have to be smart or have your own army
OC: Doc didn't you read the earlier post Nasele called off the Heartless as a sign of faith... oh what does it matter you won't change it now
OC: wait is a Novashadow a Heartless?
Wesely woke up angry. One night's rest thats all he wanted. All he wanted and now more noise he was sure there was some sort of fighting but he didn't want anything to do with it. He wanted to sleep for once after all this fighting.
Xert ship was gone to cross the ocean to arrive in New York where the UN would hold several meetings regarding the Heartless and most importantly the distrubution of magic knowlage to the general populace.
The ship had been prepared to leave. Xert was set to leave for New York.
When the brace came off it didn't make a sound all that happened was an intence light it filled the room. The light was powerful and intence, so powerful infact DeFonce and the two other guards turned to dust, completely and utterly destroyed. Outside the room the guards were in a retreat but not before some of them suffered from deadly burns. Even after all of this the light was getting brighter still.
Shooting through a man is dangerous to say the least but with a good enough shoot you can hit the target without killing the hostage. One guard shot through DeFonce and hit the Nobody in the chest.
Luxek was in an intergation room that had one wall with a mirror. The mirror was broken to pieces as guards shot through it at the retreating Nobody.