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  1. Xert
    Wesely paided the driver again and the car lurched into motion down the busy streets of Rome.
    Post by: Xert, Apr 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Xert
    "We have enough people as it is, and I'm not sure half of you are even qualified to be on this," Nox remarked.
    "Nox is right she can't come," Wesely said as he got into the cab.
    Post by: Xert, Apr 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Xert
    Nox looked at the young girl, "do yourself a favor and go home."
    Wesely was already at the exit of the Univercity.
    Post by: Xert, Apr 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Xert
    "Well to be more persise it's under the area. The area was built over a temple of sorts. The idea was to use the gladiators as sacrifice to the Keyhole. The members of a cult belived the keyhole would grant them special powers," Wesely explained as they walked back to the cab.
    Post by: Xert, Apr 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Xert
    Wesely was starting to write things down that the professor was saying. He was getting instructions that would be vital for finding the Keyhole. Wesely finished writing and shook the professor's hand and returned to the group.
    "Any one fancy a trip to the collseum?" Wesely asked smiling.
    Post by: Xert, Apr 6, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Xert
    Wesely aproched the professor, who spoke Italian when Wesely came up to him. Then Wesely started speaking in Latin again and the two began a conversation in a very much alive launguage.
    Post by: Xert, Apr 5, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Xert
    Wesely led the group into a lecture hall that had a class that seemed to be wraping up Wesely stood to the side and waited as the students left the room.
    Nox followed behind the group to make sure no one would wonder off.
    Post by: Xert, Apr 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Xert
    OC: is no one questioning why a 13 year old girl is wondering a college campus. And Nox had the front seat

    Wesely looked at the others as they were distracted by the young girl. Wesely had become fed up with all the distractions. Nasele probaly had hours of time to find the Keyhole every second was priceless. He grabed Riku by the sholder, "we don't have time for you to play hero. Kid whatever it is I'm sure some one else can help you. But we have problems of our own."
    Post by: Xert, Apr 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Xert
    Wesely was handed a map of the campus and was told where to go. Wesely smiled, thanked the woman then left the desk.
    "Follow me," Wesely said simply. He thought it was strange to have this many people walking around together espicaly seince most of them weren't really old enough to travel alone and there was obivously no parental figure in this group.
    Post by: Xert, Apr 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Xert
    The woman looked confused she didn't speak English.
    Wesely sighed and looked at Kairi, "different contry remeber. But there will always be the origin of laugage. Hectima procima latina quaso?"
    The women shook her head yes and the two talked for a short time. Wesely was asking directions in the most important dead laungage known to man.
    Post by: Xert, Apr 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Xert
    "This place has the top most experts on Rome. If anyone can help us they're some where around the school," Wesely explained again. Wesely walked inside and took a fast look around and saw some one at a desk who might be able to help them.
    Nox followed the group from behind.
    Post by: Xert, Apr 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Xert
    Wesely looked at the cute red head as she finally spoke, "let's deal with the keyholes then worry about the why's later."
    Wesely walked to what looked to be the main building. Nox got out of the car and waited for the others to follow Wesely.
    Post by: Xert, Apr 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Xert
    OC: I honsetly wonder if anyone ever pays attention to any of the plot details a post

    The cab stoped and Wesely paid the driver in US currency, the driver complained but saw that Wesely was ignoring him. Wesely steped out of the cab and looked at the Univercity. Wesely had visted colleges before and this one looked fairly average.
    Post by: Xert, Apr 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Xert
    OC: the cab did leave but it doesn't matter

    The cab drove down busy streets. Wesely was practicing his Latin so he could speak to a small number of the population.
    Post by: Xert, Apr 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Xert
    Wesely sighed still very tired from the restless night, but he couldn't sleep their driver wouldn't shut up about how great the city was and where they should go.
    Post by: Xert, Apr 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Xert
    OC: also with Sora's line of work he's going to lose the baby isn't he

    Wesely got in and gave the driver the address for the Univercity. Nox folowed after and snaged the front seat next to the driver.
    Post by: Xert, Apr 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Xert
    "TAXI!" Wesely shouted fed up with distractions and the over all unfocus of the group. Five yellow cars stoped and two had a short race to get infront of the small group.

    OC: Val you are only person that actualy think it's cute when males get pregnate despite biological imposabilitys oh and the fact that it's fairly discusting
    Post by: Xert, Apr 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Xert
    OC: OKAY FOR EVERYONE WHO FORGOT WHAT WE WERE DOING! We were going to get a cab to go to a Univercity to gather information about but we keep getting distracted so we keep forgeting everything like when Nasele said she would call the Heartless off and yet everyone feels incline to fight Heartless.

    Nox dispelled the circle still wary of Gexln but he didn't have time to wait around and see if the kid would be fine.
    Wesely looked at the others, "didn't I say earlier the gummi ship would draw to much attention to ourselves. We get a cab same plan as before."

    OC: AND VAL AGAIN! I'm fine with them being gay and your surprising lack of their actual charater qualites but you need to stop with the pregnacy it's not cute it's fairly discusting and is fetishism
    Post by: Xert, Apr 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Xert
    Nox wasn't sure if he should dispell the circle yet he wanted to wait to Gexln woke up before he'd risk it.
    Wesely had lowered his gun at this point and reholstered it, "now what do we do with him."
    Post by: Xert, Mar 31, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Xert
    Nox saw that Gexln was struggling and would wait until he was sure about the Darkness.
    Post by: Xert, Mar 31, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home