agreed ^^ maybe its just me, but her right hip seems just a little off...
hahaha xD awesome ;D do you have a cosplay costume or somethin?
hai random kh-vider
pretty good ^^ im about to go shoppin for mah costume :3
hello new member :3
weeee since we're talkin about hair, mines like 1/3 down my back :D
hai hai ^-^
cool ^^
oh. i wish i could dye my hair D: or not really dye it but use that fake dye....hmm
*drinks red bull* =| *sprouts wings and pounces on obsessedwithsora*
coulda had a V8.
that is good ^-^ i have black hair....teehee
hai thar :3
one of my happiest was when i finally beat xaldin after fighting him for like, a month @_@ otherwise it would've been when kairi and sora met again <3
hahaha xDDD What do you call a smart blond? A golden retriever!
hey thar welcome to kh-v!
me dos ^^ i dont get how some ppl didnt like the book :\ sucks to them
I loved that movie!! it was so funny when i was younger x3
hai there!! welcome again :D
jacob's blonde jokes xDDDD