*starts a conga line*
*blows up balloons and throws confetti*
cute! <3 stupid short message thingy ><
lawlz your username ish funny xD <3
hai thar!! <3 welcome to kh-v!! remember to post as much as you like and have tons of fun!! :roll:
hmm....i wonder what i would look like in short hair.....@.@
yep i remember seeing that song in the musical....shameful
but miley cyrus is in it xP
Sora 80% Kairi 65% Namine 55% Xemnas 50% Roxas 50% Riku 45% Ansem the wise 25% hmm.....sora's aight
oh well its not all bad......long hair has its negatives -.-
hey there curse tail i'd like to be your friend :D oh and remember to post as much as you like ;D
it sure is ;D
i gots one :) but i dont play it much
meh....i guess xD but thanks :3
oh well thats okay ^^
great thanks =] getting my halloween costume too :3 do you know what you want to be?
wow i wish i could write like that. thats awesome <333 im looking foreword to the next verses :D
hey thar how are you? :) love you profile pic btw ;D
hey Heart of Light <3 welcome to kh-v! remember to post as much as you like and have fun!!! :D
nifty 8D i wish i had one ><