hahaha yeah i've seen it before too XD
i loved that! once again lucky star makes everything pwnsome
Hey Shino! welcome back ;D remember to post as much as you like and only spam in zhe spamzone :3
im good thanks x) and hungry >_>
Hey Death Heart welcome to kh-v! sig making is very popular here so youll fit right it ^^ have fun ;3
It's actually not bad for your first try :D and if i were you i'd look for some gradient tutorial....>> and yes the versions of photoshop could make a difference
how iz you? :3
[place random icon here] =3
i agree but i like it ^^
my favorites are the 2nd and 3rd :D very nice job!
coolio ^-^ ;D
....what she said! :D >> hopefully it's ok if i like both edward and jasper. though jasper is the better vamp to fan over ^^
yep i agree definitely color it!! ^^ it would give it life :D
meh nothing either :\ so you likin kh-vids so far?
hey sup ;D
wow cool ^^ the eyes seem just a little bit off center but maybe that's just me ^^' nice job!
hey there wazzap Gamerben21 ;D welcome to kh-v! remember to post lots and have fun!! <3
lol XD weeeeeeeeee
hai can i join this group? i think jasper ish cool 8D
yeppers. peppers. habenero peppers